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 Ever since the band had started to become successful and more popular, Ellie had always been very careful about her media image. She realised there would be more scrutiny on her, because of her father and background, so had firmly stuck to keeping out of the limelight as much as possible when she was not on stage performing, She was happy letting Brett court all the media publicity. It also meant, that unlike him, she didn't get into the whole wild clubbing, partying side of it all, as much as he did.

Not that she didn't have a social life of sorts still. She enjoyed going out with her close friends as much as anyone else her age, except she always made sure she never got really drunk to the point that she ended up making a fool of herself, and she was always in her bed for one in the morning again.

But then there was always an exception to this rule, as there was tonight, when Kickz had won the best new up and coming band award at a prestigious British music award ceremony, and she decided it was one of those times she could let her hair down a little more, after all the hard work they had went to achieve this moment, it was only right to celebrate it.

Her parents couldn't attend, because her father was in America, helping produce a record for an old music friend he knew. But they sent their congratulations over the phone, even though it was the early hours of the morning in the part of America where they were staying.

Perhaps because of the distance between her and her family, Ellie had allowed herself the freedom of enjoying herself with little less restraint than usual, so she drank a little more, and flirted with several guys, at the after party club when the awards ceremony finished

Sitting across the table from her, whilst gulping down his pint, Brett watched on, seeming a little bemused by her more chilled out antics.

Ellie recalling the conversation they had in the early hours of the morning in her kitchen a few weeks back, in her more gregarious mood she wanted to piss him of, by flirting with Tony Marcel, who  happened to also be an up and coming solo artist. Although Brett disdainfully thought his music was shite pop music, for adolescent girls to wet their pants over.

He was the complete opposite of Brett in looks, as well as in nature, with his cropped dark hair, and his lower jaw and chin peppered with dark designer stubble, with quite attractive blue eyes framed with long dark lashes. There was no sign of brashness in his demeanour; he was pleasant, almost unassuming, which she found was a refreshing change.

They talked about their rising fame, their families and their personal taste in music that inspired them. He even told her he was happy Kikz had managed to win an award tonight, and that he admired her stage presence and music talent so she deserved the award. Which she thought was very gracious considering he had missed out in his category.

She was enjoying his company so much that she was only too happy when he offered to ply her with another martini, and she happily accepted his offer whilst thinking of what the night might hold.

When he went up to the bar to get their drinks, Ellie couldn't help herself leaning over the table towards Brett, intent on rubbing it in.

"Tony is such a nice guy, so rare to find his type in this business, I know you don't like his music, but there is no faulting his personality, he seems very sweet, an unaffected by his fame, that's what I like about him"

"Oh yeah, you are probably right, and I am sure his girlfriend feels the same way. Though I don't know how she will handle it if she wakes up  tomorrow, and finds  some pap prints a pic of you and him staggering out of here tonight getting all cosy" Brett drawled

"What are you talking about?" Ellie frowned, her mind too befuddled by alcohol to grasp what he was trying to say, "He doesn't have a girlfriend, he told me so, and if he had, why isn't she here with him?" she then demanded, feeling sure Brett was winding her up

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