Twenty Three

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Ellie was having trouble focusing ,as she stood with her guitar a little while later. They were attempting to record the song, she came in a few times too soon, or too late, or ended up playing the wrong chord.

She wasn't doing it deliberately, It was  just after the events of  earlier, she had lost all her enthusiasm and wanted the session over with as quick as possible. 

Finally, one of their producers, Kevin, suggested they take a short break.

They all reluctantly agreed. Ellie was realising if she wanted to get this song done and her head cleared she needed to have it out with Brett .

So now, as they were on the break, she went over to him where he was setting aside his guitar, "Can we talk somewhere in private?"

"Do we have to do this now? I have things I need to be doing" Brett returned, seeming reluctant, knowing she was still not happy with him

"Yes, you owe me that much" she replied, eyeing him steadily, and refusing to back down

"Ok," he finally agreed with a small resigning sigh, "I guess we should get this over with"

They found a small private room which was mostly used by a single musician, who wanted to practice on their instruments or sing before they recorded their songs. Thankfully it was also soundproof, so when the door closed shut behind them Ellie let it rip as she turned to face Brett, with a mixed of hurt anger

"How can you do this to me? You know we made an agreement about that night and what happened, yet here you are today deciding to put it in one of our songs.. Why?

"We agreed we would never mention it to anyone, and I haven't" Brett returned in defence. "I can't help it Ell, I write from my personal experiences and observations, and then it spills out of my head into the lyrics, that's just how it works." he then tried to explain, then he  hesitated uncertainly, before continuing, " and well, to be honest with you,  it's been something I have needed to get out of my system. So, if you truly want me to forget it ever happened, then this is my way of letting it go"

"In a song that is going to be heard by the public and played all over radio stations and in concerts? That's your idea of letting it go? Oh please!" she exclaimed in derision rolling her eyes unconvinced by his explanation

"We are not sure we will even release that song as a single" Brett then reminded her, "And even if we did, no one is going to know the significance of the words, and what it is about, not even Joe or Donnie have a clue, so I don't know why you are making such a big deal about it" he frowned

"Well perhaps, I am making a big deal of it because I will know, did that ever even cross your mind how it might affect me?" Ellie pointed out emotionally "How do you think it makes me feel, having that as a constant reminder, having to listen to you sing it?"

Brett shook his head in bewilderment, still not seeming to get what she was trying to say, "I don't understand why. After all, ever since it happened, you have constantly reminded me that the kiss between us didn't mean anything to you, so why are you so bothered?" he then demanded in frustration.

Ellie suddenly stilled at his words, her brown eyes narrowing, and her brows pulled down in a frown of slow realisation

"Is that what this is all about Brett? Because you can't handle the fact I didn't fall at your feet after you kissed me, like all those other females you surround yourself with.

"Don't talk crap, you know that's not the case!" Brett denied as if he found the whole accusation preposterous, and offended  that she was even think such a thing

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