Twenty One

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Ellie knocked somewhat sharply on the door of Brett's room, whilst she still had gathered up the courage to do it. She had tossed and turned most of the night hardly getting any sleep, going over what had happened between them and how she was going to deal with the aftermath. She had been torn between wanting to run away and hide so as never to face him or the other band members again, which of course was not a practical option.

So, now instead, she decided to tackle it head on, and talk to Brett before he had a chance to be around the others, where he would probably enjoy boasting about her kissing him, and teasing her in front of them. She knew she was not going to let that happen, she had to set him straight.

She was doing her best to ignore the dull ache in the back of her head from overindulgence in alcohol, as well as the tension of not getting a proper sleep

She had to knock on the door again before he finally answered it. When he opened the door, he was just dressed in his boxers and his fair hair was tousled, and mussed up, he ran a hand through it as he squinted at her, still half asleep. But then, it was half six in the morning.

"What the hell Ell? Do you know what time it is?" he complained in weary irritation

"Yes, actually I am well aware of the time" she assured him, "but we really need to talk about last night, and what happened" she  hissed, and then doing her best to ignore the fact he was almost naked, she stepped into his room without his invitation, because they the needed privacy to sort this out.

"Oh, so now you want to talk, how convenient " Brett griped as he closed the door

"Well, I don't exactly relish being here, and having to do this with you right now, but I have no other choice" she then informed him as she turned to face him where he stood leaning his bare back against the door with his arms crossed

"I see, " his expression remained neutral. "I take it when you are referring to what happened last night, it has to do with what happened between us?

She had the grace to blush and found it hard to meet his enquiring gaze

"Well yes, and now I have thought about it, I think we should get what happened into its proper perspective" she said with a small frown

"And whose perspective would that be? yours or mine?" he queried dryly

Ellie looked a little exasperated, "I knew you would not make this easy for me. Do you know how hard it was for me to come here and face you like this?"

"OK," Brett relented, now rubbing a hand over his still weary eyes, "talk away, I am listening"

"Well, last night, I admit things got a bit crazy, between me getting drunk and us winning the music award, then all that business with Tony Marcel. So what happened between us at the end of the night was obviously just a culmination of the crazy night and it didn't mean anything. That's why I think it's best we don't mention it, and we should act like it never even happened in the first place. It's the most sensible thing to do, don't you think? Then we can just move on as normal"

"Is that what you want to do El?" Brett's tone was strangely quiet and restrained as took a step closer to her. It took her all her effort to remain where she stood. She did not want to acknowledge how his nearness made her feel suddenly uncertain and uneasy, and she was suddenly on slightly dangerous ground, because it reminded her of the feel of his mouth on hers from the night before, which was the last thing she wanted to remember right now.

But still, she now forced herself to look him in the eye, before continuing "Yes, because that's the only way we can move forward from this. It was a stupid mistake, and you know it shouldn't have happened in the first place. We were both drunk, and we didn't know what we were doing.. Can't you see that? So it's best we just forget it happened and not mention it to anyone" she stared at him almost pleadingly

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