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Ellie was once more sitting in the train on her way back from seeing her parents at the weekend, and returning back to her digs, It had been over a week since her encounter with Brett and the Library, which had made her question her choices and plans for the future. It had also led to bringing the subject with her father whilst she had been home over the weekend.

He had been in the small studio he owned at the back of the house, messing about with some music composition for a singer he was helping to produce, and Ellie had wandered in to watch him at work with a more keen eye and ear than she had ever done previously. She had done her best not to make it too obvious about the thoughts running around her head, so when they had been discussing how she had been doing on her business course, she had asked him in the most casual light-hearted tone she could muster at the time if he was ever a little disappointed she had not decided to follow in his footsteps

It seemed to have taken him off guard, as he took a few moments before he had tactfully replied, that he was happy with whatever she chose to do, as long as it made her happy. So, she had found herself going a step further, idly enquiring how he might have felt if she had perhaps chosen to go into the music business instead?

He had frowned thoughtfully giving it some consideration, finally replying that if he was honest, he wasn't sure how he would feel, except of course,that he would perhaps be flattered, that she would want to follow in her old man's footsteps, Then he had asked her with frank curiosity why she was suddenly asking these kinds of questions, as she had never shown any serious interest in having any ambitions in the world of music before.

She in return, had just given a quick shake of her head, and shrugged it off dismissively, telling him it had just been something that had flitted through her mind now and again. Then she had hastily changed the subject onto something else, before excusing herself to let him get on with what he was doing.

Having reached the house she shared with Rosa and two other girls Janie and Stephanie, Ellie was surprised to get through the front door to be met with silence and no one around the shared living space that included the kitchen and the main living room.

She dumped her rucksack on the kitchen chair and decided to make herself a snack. She settled for a cheese and ham sandwich, reminding herself she would have to remind the others that they would have to do a big grocery shop this week. as they were running low on food, as she munched on her sandwich she heard the floorboards above her head creaking telling her that she was not alone in the house after all, and as Rosa's room was above the kitchen she figured out it had to be her moving around.

Having finished her snack, she decided to go up to her room and catch up on her notes for tomorrow's classes, so she grabbed her rucksack and headed upstairs.

She was idly pondering if she should call in on Rosa to find out where the others where, as she reached the top of the stairs, then she heard her housemate's familiar giggle, she supposed she might be talking to someone on her cell phone, so decided she wouldn't bother after all.

Then, just as she reached for the handle of the door of  her own room, across the hall  Rosa's door opened. But it was not Rosa who came out of the room, instead it was a semi naked Brett, his torso bare, and he was just dressed in his jeans, whilst he held his dark vest top in his hand, and his hair looking even more mussed up than usual, catching sight of her staring at him with a startled look in her brown eyes, he had the grace to look slightly sheepish as he recovered first from the unexpected encounter, but only just; as he then grinned in amusement because of the way she was gawping at him in disbelief and horror

"Hey, so it looks you got back a little earlier than Rosa expected" he realised in bemusement. Now Rosa appeared just looking a little flustered, Ellie could see she had tried to get dressed quick, her top was all rucked up on one side whilst the other side had been hastily pushed into the waistband of her her leggings, and she was trying to straighten herself out

"Oh, hi Ellie, I guess there is no need for introductions eh?" she laughed to hide over her own embarrassment at being caught out "I er, just invited Brett over to keep me company, as everyone was away this evening, and he was very happy to oblige"

"I bet he was," Ellie replied wryly now getting over the shock, "Sorry I got home a little earlier than usual, If I had known you were having company, I would have stayed away longer to let you get on with it"

"Well, it doesn't matter now," Brett spoke up jovially, "I was going to have to head soon anyway" he now pulled his vest top over his head to cover up his bare muscled chest which Ellie was doing her best to ignore. "And  actually it's kindda good I caught you as well," he then said, " it saves me the bother of  asking Rosa for your phone number.

"And why would you be needing  my phone number?" Ellie asked, immediately going on the defensive.

"Well, how else am I going to be able to get in contact with you, when I want you to show up for rehearsals with the band later this week?"

"Er, I don't recall agreeing to even want to rehearse with you in the first place" Ellie reminded him a little tartly, now think he had a nerve to even suggest such a thing

Brett's brows pulled down looking slightly peeved, "Oh, you are not still playing hard to get, are you?" his voice was tinged with frustrated disappointment.

"You have a nerve, do you know that!" Ellie exclaimed as she straightened up, whilst her hands went on her hips her dark eyes flashing indignation

"Er, why don't I just go and make myself scarce while you two sort out whatever is going on between the both you" Rosa spoke, feeling a storm brewing and not wanting to be caught in it, she now hastily passing between the two of them and heading for the stairs.

"That's very generous of you!" Ellie called after her in retort, as she watched her housemate hastily disappear down the stairs

"She is a very accommodating girl, you should take a page out of her book" Brett then advised

"I think you should just go now," Ellie replied, deciding not to rise to the bait, and turning to open the door to her room, so she could go in then slam it shut behind her in his face. But she never got the chance as he put his booted foot in the door, stopping her.

"Ok, so now I am asking really really nicely, "his hazel eyes rested on her with a seriousness in them again, "won't you  even contemplate coming along to the rehearsals, upstairs at  Harley's pub, on Thursday night? There is no pressure big pressure, if you show up and it's not your thing, then you can leave and go back to planning to take over the business world, if that's what you want to do" he finished in his most reasonable but persuasive tone, "Even if you give me a definite 'maybe' I will be happy, and I will  be on my way" he then promised

Ellie found herself thinking about it, whilst at the same time hating herself for even contemplating it, "You promise you will leave me alone if I turn up on Thursday night, and if I find out I am really not interested in joining your band, you will really leave me alone for good?" she queried wanting  confirmation that was what he really meant.

"Yeah, scouts honour and all that" Brett replied solemnly 

"I bet you were never even in the scouts" Ellie retorted

"I am sure my dad was though, so that might count" Brett returned with a smirk, "So what do you say?"

"Well maybe I will turn up, so you will have to be satisfied with that, y'know  just in case something more important comes up, like having to cut my toenails " she informed him snippily refusing to commit herself completely

"Ok, so maybe  I will see you on Thursday night then, come  around five o'clock  if you do deem to show up, and  I will let Ray the barman know you are coming, so he can let you in the side door" Brett informed her

"Now can you remove your foot from my door, before I decided to stand on your toes and break them" she shot back at him

"Not a problem" he smiled, seeming far too pleased with himself than she cared for, and when he finally removed his foot she slammed the door shut, cursing herself for even letting him believe he had won 

 She blamed it on his  unexpected half naked presence taking her of her guard, and messing with her mind, so that she wasn't thinking straight

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