Chapter Seventeen

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PART TWO - TAKING OFF ( Over a year  later)

"I can do this, it's not a really big deal," Ellie murmured into herself, shrugging her shoulders and flexing her fingers She taking a deep breath in an attempt to calm her nerves, as she and the other band member stood at the side-line of the large stage waiting to go on to play in their first big British musical Festival. After all, she told herself it wasn't like she wasn't used to this sort of atmosphere; she had been at quite a few large gigs when her father had played to crowds even bigger than this one around the world, whilst she had been growing up.

Of course back then she had been part of the audience, and not the centre of attention on stage. Not only that, but this evening was the first gig her family had insisted on coming along to support her and the band in their biggest gig yet.

Only four months previously, they had finally released their first album, and they had been busy with promoting it, playing support gigs for bigger named groups on their tours, and it seemed to be going ok. People were buying and downloading the album, and it had managed to get into the download charts at number thirty. They were even starting to get good reviews from some music critics, as one of the new bands to look out for on the rise which was why they had managed to get this slot at the Festival.

It made her smile now, as she recalled her father's reaction when she had told him, and how pleased and proud he had been for her. Which was why she was determined to put on a good show.

On hearing that her father was attending, Travis, who was forever the opportunist, had suggested letting it leak to the press, to get them more publicity. This had been immediately shot down by both Brett and Ellie, who had replied a firm no in unison when he first broached the subject.

Brett, of course, wasn't going to have his first major gig overshadowed by the presence of Jake Kavanagh, when it was all about his chance to shine, But Ellie knew her parents, especially her father, didn't want attention brought on him and he had insisted that they intended to make a discreet appearance staying strictly in the background. So Travis was left grumbling again about missed opportunities for good publicity, but knew better than to push it.

As a lesser known band, they were not playing on the main stage, and they were appearing pretty early in the evening. But still, there was a large crowd, some included their faithful fans from their early days, many of them young females, were there to support them, or more likely to drool over Brett. But still it was nice to see some familiar faces in the crowd.

Brett of course, was on a high, with no sign of nerves. He champing at the bit to get out on stage to perform, this was his dream starting to come true and he loved nothing better than showing of on stage: the bigger the crowd, the better

When the announcer came on stage to introduce them onto the stage she felt the familiar nervous energy that send the adrenaline pumping through her body she found herself just focusing getting on stage and having her guitar in her hands and getting the strap over her head and remembering the right chords she had to play to start the song.

 Brett was occupied being the front man grabbing the microphone after picking up his guitar, and addressing the applauding audience. They were starting off with one of the songs of their new album; they had five songs to get through ending with their latest release, as an encore. Once they started playing, and finding the familiar rhythm and sync they had acquired for performing together, Ellie allowed herself to relax a little and enjoy herself.

Brett always brought his own brand of energy whilst singing and performing, which she found herself always getting caught up in. She now grudgingly had to admit he had been right when he had first claimed they were good for each other up on stage, and they seemed to play off each other, enhancing their performance, whatever it was, it was still working. By the time they finished their short set, they were getting enthusiastic cheers and applause as they thanked the crowd and waved at the rowdy throng as they left the stage, all of them on a high. And back slapping each other on a job well done.

A little while later, they were all gathered in the small private tent area that Jake had hired for the evening. It was situated and erected behind the backstage area, and was big enough to hold about twenty people comfortably and it even came with its own small bar. Which the boys from Kikz intended to make the most of.

All of Ellie's immediate family was busy congratulating them on their performance. Jake enthusiastically hugged his daughter, telling her she had done a great job up on stage. He also shook hands with the rest of the band leaving Brett till last. This was not the first time they had met face to face. The first time had been a year ago at a much smaller gig Jake had unexpectedly turned up half way through.

Brett had felt Jake's blue eyes sizing him up as Ellie introduced him to her father. He had been delighted to get the chance to meet Jake Kavanagh at last, but at the same time hid his enthusiasm, deciding to play it cool as if it was no big deal to be in the same room as him.

Jake had been pleasant enough to him in front of his daughter, but later when he and Brett had a chance to be alone with Ellie not around, his whole demeaner had changed from polite friendliness, to full on protective father mode. 

He had reached out to shake hands with Brett, after congratulating him on having the insight to realise his daughter's talent.  Brett had taken this acknowledgment with some of his arrogant satisfaction. But then he felt Jake's hand tighten around his fingers almost painfully, with some deliberation "You should think yourself very fortunate that I am trusting my daughter into your hands, if you try and mess with Ellie in anyway, You will have me to answer to. do I make myself clear?" Despite the fact that Jake was older and of shorter stature than Brett, when the younger man  looked into the steely blue eyes of Ellie's father,  he suddenly felt himself little intimidated.

"Don't worry sir, I have no intention of messing Ellie around, I respect her talent too much to do anything stupid to upset her in anyway" he then reassured him understandingly

"Good, I am glad we had this little chat, and we got that sorted." Jake had smiled, then had he released his tight grip on Brett's hand, and returned to a more jovial tone as he conversed with him

Ever since that time, Brett always felt a little wary being in the same room as Jake, but tonight he was still so hyped up over their success on stage, and enjoying his moment of glory as he clumsily poured champagne into a pint glass toasting their success, and wolfishly eyeing up one of Dana's female friends, who had been invited along also, and was now wanting his autograph which he happily obliged.

Jake stood across the tent with Gemma, eyeing him with slight disapproval

"What's he like?" he muttered in irritation, "As much as I hate to admit he is good, but he is too cocky and full of himself, it irks me no end. I still don't trust him, the arrogant twat"

"You think?" Gemma replied with a slight smile, " Actually it's funny you feel that way, because he reminds me a bit of you, when you were around that age"

Jake's head swivelled around to look at his wife, slightly offended by this recollection, " No way, I was never as bad as him!" he protested

"Well perhaps he has a bit more arrogant swagger about him than you did" Gemma conceded, "But I think Ellie is good at keeping him in line, so I think she will be fine" she then added confidently.

"Yeah, she was great up on stage tonight, I am so proud of her, I think they are heading for the big time, and that still scares me a little what could lie ahead for her down that path" he then admitted.

"If Ellie can handle Brett, she can handle anything" Gemma mused

"True," Jake chuckled, "here is to her future success. whatever it may bring " he then raised his glass of whiskey

"Here here" Gemma agreed with a smile, clinking her glass of white wine against his, as they both took a drink whilst eyeing their jubilant daughter from across the tent where she stood with her sister and some of her friends  totally obvilous to her father's concerns


Its just a short chapter but I wanted to have it  as a little bridge to the next chapter  and I  thought it would be fun writing about  Jake meeting Brett:)

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