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"So, you and Brett Carter, eh?" Jake addressed  Ellie in a bemused query, when she finally got around to facetime him on his phone just over a whole twenty four hours after she had returned to their home ground in England

"Oh yeah, that, it's a bit crazy, I know" Ellie laughed it off sheepishly, "Who would have thought it" she continued on the light hearted note, that didn't fool her father.

"Anyway, I meant to tell you and mum personally, before the media got wind of it, But things got a little crazy with the end of the American tour" she then attempted to excuse herself, to assail her sudden feeling of guilt, recalling her impulsive actions of kissing Brett on their last gig of their tour in the USA, had of course been caught on camera by several phones, and then it had then went viral online. So, as soon as they arrived back in England, the media were waiting to pounce on them as soon as they left the airport, wanting to know if she and Brett were in a relationship now, and they finally admitted that was the case, just to make them go away and leave them alone.

"So, can I ask, how serious is it between the two of you ?" Jake needed to know, unable to hide the slight concern in his voice, He was well aware of Brett's reputation with women, and he still having difficulty believing what he had read in the media, as well as being a little upset Ellie had not mentioned it to him personally the last time they spoke, though he was doing his best not to show it.

She had been rather furtive lately, only texting him rather than speaking with him over the phone or video message, so he knew something was going on with her. Now he was wondering if it was because of this.

Ellie's expression became solemn, as she contemplated this question, "Pretty serious, in fact, I would say as serious as you and mum I guess" she finally replied quietly but meaningfully, that made her father's eyebrows raise in questioning surprise.

"I see," was Jake's only response, not sure how he felt about this latest news.

"Look, I can explain it all much better when I see you in the flesh tomorrow, rather than over the phone like this" she then said placatingly.

"Of course, we are all looking forward to seeing you. It will be nice to have you home, and you can fill us in on everything then" Jake found himself replying, much to her relief

"Thanks Dad, I love you, and I can't wait to give you a proper hug tomorrow when I finally see you" Ellie replied honestly

This made him smile, "I will hold you to that" he then warned good naturedly

When Ellie finally hung up she let out a long breath of relief, and turned to see Brett standing a few feet away. He had taken himself out of the way to the kitchen, so he could give father and daughter some privacy, then as he heard her saying her goodbyes, he had returned to join her in the living room again. "So how did he take it?" he enquired warily

"Ok I think. Well his head didn't explode, when I confirmed we are a couple," Ellie replied grinning, "But I guess tomorrow will really tell when I see them in the flesh, and he's had time to let it sink in properly" she then realised in a more sober tone

"In that case, I am going to make the most of having you all to myself tonight" Brett replied, now resting his hands on her waist, and pulling her towards him. A mischievous, but lustful look in his hazel eyes "Just in case he ends up locking you in your room for the next six months, or something crazy like that just to keep you away from me"

This made Ellie chuckle, but she then wrapped her arms around his neck. "I am sure he will be fine, once he realises you are not messing about" she smiled up at him and giving him a peck on the lips

"Yeah, but it's just convincing him of that though" Brett mused

"Oh, I am sure if you show him your good side and how sweet you can be when you want to, he will have no trouble believing it" she informed him

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