The plan

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(Kelsey P.O.V.)

"We have to get her back" I yell at them. They aren't doing anything. "I know but we need a plan" Ratchet said. I growled lightly " i dont care about a plan we need to go now". "kelsey calm down we will get her back" Optimus said.

(Abbie P.O.V.)

I was brought into their base and i look around. So many equipment are all around. Some were kinda scary looking. They brought me to the cells and through me in. I landed hard on the ground on my cast which hurt a lot.

"o-ow" I whisper lightly and look around the cell. I see some one in the other cell as the men leave. I sit against the wall and look down. "hey whats your name" the person in the other cell asks. I look at the person as he/she comes out of the shadows.

"im Abbie what about you?" i ask. I look and see a girl a little younger then me in a wheelchair and missing a leg. "Im Ashely but you can call me Ash" she says. I nod " what happened to your leg" I ask. Ash looks down at her leg and sighs lightly.

"I they were experamenting on me" She says. "oh sorry to here that" I look away. Ash comes closer to my cell. "What happened to your arm?" She asks. " hu oh I broke it when i was jumping on my trampoline" I say. " ouch that must of hurt" Ash says.

"it did but Ratch... um my friend helped me" i say. "Wait who is Ratch?" she asks. " oh um can you keep a secrect?" i ask her. She nods and looks at me waiting to know who it is. "it is Ratchet from transformers prime" i say to her.

Ash looks at me in shock "Wait he is real?". I nod " ya and others thats why Silas wants me to get to them" I say. " that is awesome!" she says happily. " but we need to get out of here before they come back" I say.

She nods and unlocks her cell door and come over to my cell. She starts to unlock my door. " how did you do that" i ask. " I have been here for a while now so i know how to get out" she says as she gets my door open. I nod and walk out i see my cast is cracked a little.

"lets go" she says. I nod and follow her out. We carefully sneak out of the base carefully. I follow her out she must have tried to get out before. " All right lets get out of her fast before they find out we are gone" Ash says.

I nod "now you can go back to your family thanks for helping me". She looks down sadly " i dont have any parents". I look a her sadly "oh im sorry about that". "its fine it was a while ago" she says. "do you want to come back with me?" i ask.

Ash looks at me "can I?". I nod and smile " of course you can lets go". She smiles and nods and we walk to my house. We talk more on the way and we leanr more about each other. Like she has small black little angel wings which are awesome. Cant wait to get back home by the others.


Hope you like this chapter. I added a new person to the story. Her wattpad name is Shadowflame1902 check out her books and follow her.

~Jeticy (Abbie)

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