Trying to cook food

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(Abbie's P.O.V.)

I was in the kitchen trying to make food. But it wasn't going well. "darn broken arm" I say. It had to be my stronger arm that is broken.

The others were in the living room talking about something that I don't know. But I hear yelling and arguing in the living room.

I try to pick up the pan with my not to strong arm. It almost fell but some one grabbed it. I look to see who it was and it was Elita and the other femme's.

"Here let us do this for you Abbie you should rest" She says. " no it's fine I can do it" I say. "Ya right don't make me get Ratchet in here" Chromia said.

"Fine fine" I sigh and sit at the table as they cook dinner. I watch them then get up and go to the living room. When I get in there all the mechs were about to fight.

"Eh hem what are you guys doing?" I ask then. They all stop and look at me. "Um nothing we were just talking. I raise and eye brow "oh really it didn't seem like it" I say.

They look down and sit down somewhere. I cross my arms the best I can and look at them. They all go back to talking.

All but 5 of them. And of course it is The terror twins and the seekers. They are arguing about my relationship with Sunny and sides again.

I go over to them "will you guys stop" I ask them. They look at me "but I know those two will break your heart" Starscream said. "You do , do you" I ask.

"Yes they never had a true relationship just one night stands" Thundercraker said. "We do not !" Sunny and sides say. "yes you do" Skywarp says.

They glare at each other and I sigh. "Im going out for a while try not to break anything while I'm gone" I say. "Where are you going?" all five ask.

"I'm going for a walk" I say. I carefully put on my shoes with one arm. I walk out side and go to Kelsey's house. I knock on her door and wait.

One minute later she opens the door. "oh hey Abbie what happened to your arm?" She says. "hi and um trampoline accident" i say.

"What am I going to do with you" she says to her self. "I don't know" I smile lightly. "I'm going to wrap you in bubble wrap so you don't get hurt anymore" she says.

We go to the living room. "so what brings you over here?" she asks. "they all are arguing so I had enough and came over here for a little while" I say.

She nods "want me to kick their afts for you?" she asks. "so me using their words is finally getting to you" I say with a smile. "ya ya what ever" she says and rolls her eyes.

We talked for a while. Catching up with each other since I have been busy with the bots and cons. When we herd a knock on the door.

We look at each other and she gets up. She goes over to the door and opens it. "hello who are you?" she asks. "My name is ........"


Sorry for the long update I have been busy with school and the holidays.

~Jeticy (Abbie)

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