Introductions and bed time.

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(Abbie P.O.V.)

I accidentally bumped a chair. And all eyes are on me. Then the seekers flew up and went near me right by my face. "Who are u" Starscream asked. His brothers nodded. "I'm Abbie" I answer.

"Excuse me but do u know how we got here?" Optimus asked. I looked at him but as I did I felt three things land on my shoulder. I looked and seen Thundercracker and Skywarp on my left shoulder and Starsrceam on my right.

I looked back a Optimus. "No I do not know how you got" I said. He nodded and went to think. I felt my short hair moving in the back. I went to look but I could see what it was. "Hey quit moving" one of the seekers said.

"Why what are u doing?" I asked. "Me and Thundercraker are playing with your hair" said Skywarp. "Why may I ask" I asked. "Cause we are bored" said Thundercraker. I rolled my eyes.

I sat down on the floor against the couch. I was watching them talk and converse about stuff. I look over to where Optimus and Megatron was and watched them.

I had my music going a little it was a German song. I was moving to the beat a little. All of the sudden my music got louder. I looked down at my iPod and see Jazz and Blaster by it and now dancing.

I smiled at this. "Hey Abbie this is a good song" Jazz said. "Ya I like the beat to it" I said. "Can we look through your songs?" Blaster asked. "Sure" I said. So they went to look through music.

(With Optimus and Megatron)

(Optimus P.O.V.)

"Megatron I suggest a truce until we figure out what is going on" I said. Megatron thinks then nods. "Alright I will have a truce for now" Megatron shakes Optimus hand.

Optimus looks at the others. "They all seem happy don't you think Megatron" Optimus said. Megatron nodded "Yes they do seem happy".

"Alright guys and girls we need to find a place for u guys to sleep" Abbie said. "Yes I think we all need some recharge for tomorrow" I said. Abbie nods and gets up.

"Ok some of u can come to my room some can sleep on this couch and chairs and the others can sleep in my spare room" Abbie said. " Me and the femme's call the spare room" Elita-1 said.

"Me, Thundercracker, and Starscream want to be in Abbie's room" Skywarp said. "Alright you three can sleep in my room and yes Elita-1 you and the femme's can have the spare room" Abbie said.

"Me and Megatron will go to your room as well" I said. "And the rest of us can stay down here on the couch and chairs" Prowl said. "Alright I will go get everything ready then" Abbie said.


Hope u like it so far. I will update as soon as I can.

~Jeticy (Abbie)

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