Time with Prime and Megzy

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(Abbie P.O.V.)

I was brought to my room by Optimus and Megatron. Much to my dismay the made me stay on my bed. "what would you like to do Abbie?" Optimus asked me.

"um listen to music and draw" i say. They nod and Optimus gets me my art stuff and Megatron grabs my ipod.

I turn on Immortals by Fall Out Boy and grab my pencil. I think of what I should draw first. Optimus and Megatron sit at the edge of my bed and talk to each other.

I started to draw them , I might be a very good drawer but I still do pretty good though. I listened to my music and kept drawing.

A little while later the door opened and the twins and seekers came in. When they came in Optimus and Megatron walked out.

The twins and seekers sat on my bed. Sides held me close sunny found some paper and a pencil and started drawing, and the seekers were talking to them selfs.

I went back to draing as sides watched me. We were like that for a while. After a while i started to get tired and they could see i was.

"Abbie you should get some rest" Star said. The others nod in agreement I pouted lightly and nods lightly.

"fine" with that i lay down. Sky put a blanket over me and tucked me in. "good night guys" i say tiredly. "good night Abbie" they say back and they lay next to me.

We all fell asleep by each other until morning.


Im sorry it took so long but I starting to lose interest in this book i dont know what to do any more. So i might not update this one for a while

~Jeticy (Abbie)

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