Spending time with Bee and Sound

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(Kelsey P.O.V.)

Bee and Sound took me to Abbie's spare room. Her house was big so she did have a few extra rooms.

Bee opened the door for me. I smile lightly and walk in. "Thanks" I say. He nods and follows me with Soundwave right behind him.

I lay down on the spare bed. I look at them as they sit on the edge. "what would you like to do?" Bee asks me. I think for a moment and look at them.

"I would like to get to know you two better" I say. They nod and look at each other. "what would you like to know?" bee said.

"Where did you two live?" I ask. "I lived in Kaon" Soundwave said. " And I lived in Tyger Pax" Bee said. (( I'm sorry if I got that wrong)) I nod and look at Soundwave.

"What did you do before the war?" I ask him. "I fought in the pits of Kaon" He said. I nod and look at bee. " Do you have any siblings?" I ask.

He nods "ya my brother Cliffjumper" he says. "Ok it's out turn to ask you questions" he says. "All right ask away" I say.

"What's your favorite color?" he asked. "That would be purple" I say. "What's your favorite animal?" Soundwave asks. "hmm my favorite would be a wolf" I say.

"Do you have any siblings?" Bee asks. "ya one older brother who is annoying" I say. "what's your favorite food?" bee asks again.

"Tatter tot hot dish" I say. They nod and look at each other. "well that's all the questions we wanted to know" Soundwave says.

I nod and stretch. "Ok now what then" I ask. "Hmm want to play a racing game" Bee asks. I shrug "sure why not" I say.

He nods and gets up and sets it up. So while he did that me and sound talked for a little bit. Bee gets every thing set up and hands me one controller and he takes the other.

"Soundwave will take on the winner" Bee says. He nods and watches us. Bee starts the game and starts driving. I start driving to and my cat is a little behind his.

We got close to the finish line we were neck and neck. When we got close Bee pulled a head on won the game. "ya!" He yelled and did a dance.

Might I add it was funny to watch. I hand my controller to sound. They both get ready to play. Bee starts it and starts driving. They are neck and neck.

They got close to the finish line and sound beat bee. Bee pouted like a little kid. "aww no fair" He says. A couple more hours of playing racing. We started to get tired.

I laid down on the bed and rolled onto my side. I felt a blanket being pulled over me. And felt someone lay in front of me and one lay behind me.

They both held me close and I closed my eyes and yawned. "good night Kelsey" They say lightly. "good night guys" I say back and fall asleep.


Sorry if it was short I will update as soon as I can.

~Jeticy (Abbie)

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