Three very protective Seekers

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"We love you Abbie" they said. I look at them and think for a second. "and I love you two to" I said.

(Abbie P.O.V.)

After I said that they sat down in the bed and layed down. One on each side of me and they pulled me down to lay next to them.

They hold me close it was relaxing. We didn't hear the three pairs of foot steps coming up the stairs. Then the door opens and we look at it and see the seekers.

"Uh oh" sideswipe says. We sit up quick and I try reading the seekers face. They show no emotion what so ever.

Then Star and TC grab the twins and Skywarp pulls me away from them. "Hey careful" I say. "what do you two think you were doing" Star asked.

"We were cuddling with Abbie is there a problem" sunny asks. "yes there is stay away from her" TC said. "But they aren't doing anything wrong" I said.

They shake there helms. "no you are not allowed to go near them" Star said. I glared at them.

"I can do what I want" I said. "fine dont come crying to us when they break your heart" and with that they left.

I look at the twins they were glaring at where the seekers left. Then they looks at me. "Abbie don't listen to them we won't ever break your heart" Sideswipe said. I nod lightly "lets go back down stairs".

(Downs stairs)

The seekers come down stairs and they look pissed. The huffed and sat down. "what's wrong" Optimus asked. "Nothing" Star snapped.



Sooty for the short chapter.

~Jeticy (Abbie)

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