The present from her parents.

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(Abbie's P.O.V.)

I was walking home from work to go home. When I got there I seen a box on my front step. I went up and looked at it. "hmm I wonder what it could be" I said. Of corse this box had to be big and heavy.

I finally managed to bring it in side. I changed from my work close to my run arounds. then I went back to the box and looked who it was from. It was from my parents in Alaska.

I got curious and opened the big box. I fangirled right there cause of what is in the box. It was full of Transformers. "Oh my Primus! I can't believe it!" I said happily. I carefully took all of them out. There was Autobots, Decepticons, Dinobots, and the Girl Autobots.

I was really happy now. I went to go take a bath. But that's when everything happened.


There was a bright light in the living room. The next thing that happened was that the action figures started moving. They all look around the living room. "Where are we?" one of them asked. "I don't know Prowl" said someone else.

They all started to explore the living room. Except the Decepticons who were trying to find a new base so they can attack the Autobots. "Lord Megatron what are we going to do now?" asked Starscream. "Build a new base so we can get rid of those accursed Autobots" said Megatron.

Optimus walked over to Megatron. "Megatron we should make a truce until we can figure out what is going on and can fix it" Optimus said. "Hmm I will think about it and let u know" Megatron said. Optimus nods and goes back to the other Autobots and Dinobota.

Megatron thinks about what Optimus said and grumbles. "Alright Optimus I will have a truce until we can fix this mess" Megatron said. Optimus smiled lightly and nods and goes over by Ratchet.


I got done with my bath and put my clothes back on. I went back down stairs to go get something to eat. I went to the kitchen and went to the fridge. I found a kustered donut.

"This will do until supper" I said. I started eating it. I through the garbage away in the trash. And walked back to the living room. When I got there what I seem was shocking. "how did this happen" I said quietly to my self.


This is the first chapter of this book hope u like it. the next chapter will be longer. I will update this as soon as I can.

~Jeticy (Abbie)

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