Rude wake up call

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(Abbie's P.O.V.)

I was sleeping it was around 8 in the morning. When a hear a loud clang. And that's all it took to wake me up."hu?". I looked at the clock and groaned.

'Why do they have to make so much noise this early' I thought. I got up and changed out of my pj's. And walked down stairs.

When I get down stairs it was a disaster. The bots and cons were running all over the place. Recking everything in their way.

"What is going on!" I yelled. They all stopped and looked at me. Then they looked at each other. "We are sorry for waking you" Optimus said.

I nod, "It's fine just tell me what are you guys doing" I look around and see the girls cleaning up. "Elita , Chromia, Firestar, and Moonracer you don't have to clean up" I said.

"But what about the mess" Moonracer asked. "The boys can clean it up since they made it" I said. I heard groans from the guys.

"Should have thought about that before so start cleaning" I said. The guys get to work cleaning. I walk into the kitchen and start making breakfast.

The girls are supervising the guys. While I make breakfast I hear the girls telling the guys to keep working. I smiled at this.

I finish breakfast and call them in to eat. "Guys breakfast is ready" I say. They all come in and sit at their spots. "what's for breakfast" Megatron asked.

"Pancakes" I said. They nodded and started eating. I sat down on the counter and ate my food. I watched them eat and talk. They all finished and went back to cleaning.

(In the living room)

"I feel bad for this waking up Abbie" Jazz said. The others nod in agreement. "we should do something for her" Skywarp says.

"Like what?" Starscream asks. They all think and start planing what they are going to do. "Ok seekers keep Abbie busy for a couple hours ok" Optimus said.

They nodded and went off. The others went to start the plan. They hope this will make up for what they did.


Sorry if this is a short chapter but the next one will be longer.

~Jeticy (Abbie)

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