Truth or Dare part 2

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Two dares where from @korahbelle
And two more where from @cybergirl17


(Abbie's P.O.V.)

Sunstreaker looked at me "Abbie truth or dare" he asked. "Um dare" I say. He smiles and whispers to me 'I dare you to paint Ironhide pink with glitter' he says.

Uh oh I am done for now I no how much Ironhide hates pink. I get up and go to the garage and see the paint and I add glitter to it.

This is not going to end well I thought. I come back in and come up behind Ironhide quietly and dump it on him and puts can next to Prowl and sits down quick.

Ironhide growls and looks around and sees the paint can by Prowl. "Did you do it" he said angered. He sakes his head and points at me. He glares at me for a while.

"Ok Megatron truth or dare" I ask. "Dare" he says. I nod and think for a bit. "I dare you to paint your self green and dance to the gummy bear song" I said.

He grumbled and grabs a green paint can and paints him self green. Lets just say he looked like a big green gum drop. I turned on the song for him. He started dancing to it.

Doing the robot , and other stuff. He looked so funny dancing to it. Most of us where holding back our laughs others looked amused. The song ended and he got the paint off.

"Ok Starscream truth or dare" he asked. "Dare" he said. Megatron smirked nod looked at him. "I dare you to dress up like a girl and dance and song to Barbie girl" he said.

He looked at his leader like he was crazy. So I helped him get ready and when we came back I turned that song on. And he starts to dance to it.

"I'm a Barbie girl in a Barbie world" he starts singing. "Life in plastic it's so fantastic" he makes a dance move of being happy. "You can brush my hair and undress me any where" he pretends to brush his hair.

We all were laughing at this. " ok that's it I'm done with this dare" he said and starts to take off the clothes he was wearing. We all smile and he thinks about who is next.

"Sideswipe truth or dare" he says. "Dare!" He says happily. "I dare you to change your paint job for the rest of today" Starscream said.

Sideswipe nodes and him and his brother went to go change it. He comes back and his paint job was bright neon green. He smiles and sits down.

"Prowl truth or dare" he says. "Truth" Prowl says. "Have you ever pranced someone before" he asks. Prowl thought for a moment and nods.

"Yes I have when I was younger" he said. That shocked most if us. Because we know Prowl as the strict bot. He nodded "Abbie truth or dare".

"Ah dare" I say. "I dare you to take one of Ratchets wrenches and hid it" he says with a slight smile. We all looked at him on shock that he said that. Well not all of us Ratchet just looked angry.

I nod and get up and grabs one of his wrenches and hinds it in the kitchen way above the cupboard. And come back. "Chromia truth or dare" I ask.

"Truth" she says. "How many guns do you have total" I ask. She thought for a moment counting them in her mind. "About 20 to 30 of them I have about 7 on me right now" she says.

I nod and she looks at Ratchet. "Ratchet truth or dare" she asks. "truth" he says. "How many wrenches do you have" she asks. "About 50 I need every single one of them to" he says.

To Be Continued....

Sorry If this is a short chapter again I will try to make the next one longer.
And the to dares for Abbie was from @korahbelle and Megatron and Starscreams dares were from @cybergirl17. Thanks for reading.

~Jeticy (Abbie)

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