Feeling better

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(Abbie P.O.V.) 

The next day we are all feeling better. Ash was with wasp and the jet twins outside. Kelsey was watching movies with bee and soundwave. 

As for me i was doing house chores. Everyone was doing their own thing.  The terror twins and seekers were watching me do chores to make sure i was fine. 

"Abbie!" Kelsey yelled from the living room. "what" i say washing dishes. "lets play halo" she said. 

"all right dont cry when you lose" i say and dry my hands off and walk into the living room. 

I start setting it up  and hand her a controller. I sit down beside her and start the game up and start playing. 

(Ash P.O.V.) 

I was hanging out with the jet twins and wasp. We were talking about our pasts and random stuff. 

We decided to go walk around for a little while. We were getting to know each other more as we walked around. 

We headed back to the house and walked in and see Abbie and Kelsey playing halo. They were arguing with each other.

I smiled lightly and went over and watched. "who is winning?" i asked them. "i am" they both said. 

I shake my head lightly and watch them keep playing. Wasp comes up behind me and holds me close and watches. 

I lean close to him and watch. The match finally ended and Kelsey won. Abbie wasn't that happy about it. 

It was getting late and we all headed to bed. Today was a good day for everyone. 


Sorry it took so long but i have been working on my family farm. 

~Jeticy (Abbie) 

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