The neighbors find out about them

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@LunaDragoneelS2 was the one who suggested this chapter hope you like it. And I will be adding a new character my best friend Kelsey.

(Abbie's P.O.V.)

They were having some sort of meeting in the living room. So I went to the store to get more food and stuff.
I went In side the store and started to get the stuff I needed. I looked around and found my favorite snack Snowballs.

((If you don't know what that is it is coconut on the outside and chocolate cake mix on the inside with marshmallow in the middle)) So I got 5 packs of them and went to pay for it.

(At the house)

We were done with the meeting and we didn't see Abbie around the house. Then Starscream found a note and said she was at the store.

So we were talking but the twins and Ratchet were yelling. They were yelling a little to loud. So we were trying to quiet them. "You two slaggers give me back my wrench!!" Ratchet yelled.

(Kelsey's P.O.V.)

I herd some yelling from my friends house so I went to go see what it is. I walked up to her house. I knocked on the door.

When no one answered I opened the door. I walked in and seen many human size robots. But then It hit me they were from transformers.
How I know this is because Abbie always talks about them. I personally like Pokemon better but I still like transformers a little.

I stare at them they haven't notice me yet. I look at them trying to figure out who is who. I know some of them but not all.

I go to walk away but when I turn around there is one of them in front of me. "Where do you think your going" he asked. "Home" I said.

"No your not" he said. He grabbed my arm and brought me in while closing the door. He made me sit on the couch.

They were talking to each other to figure out what to do with me. "I say we kill her so she doesn't tell anyone" Megatron said I knew who he was. " I won't tell any one" I said.

(Abbie P.O.V.)

I came back home and was struggling to open the door. I finally got it open and feel some of the bags get lifted.
Optimus and Ratchet helped me bring them to the kitchen. I walked into the living room and seen my friend Kelsey.

"Kelsey what are you doing here?" I asked. "Well I heard some yelling over here to check it out and opened the door and seen them and they made me stay here" She said.

"And I'm guessing Sunny and sides were making the noise" I asked. "And Ratchet" Skywarp says. I nodded and looked back at Kelsey.

"Promise you won't tell any one" I said. She nods "yes I promise". A little later she went home and sighed and laid down on the couch tired.
Soon I fell asleep on the couch. And Skywarp came over and picked me up and brought me to my room and laid me down on my bed and tucked me in.
Sorry it took so long to update but I was sick and missed a day of school so I was catching up on home work. Hope you like the chapter.

~Jeticy (Abbie)

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