The suprize for Abbie

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(Abbie's P.O.V.)

I was cleaning in the kitchen when I hear three little jets coming. They landed on my shoulder and watched what I was doing.

"What are you doing" Skywarp asked. "I'm cleaning up the kitchen and almost done" I said. They looked at each other.

And they got an idea. Since there always a door in the kitchen to go out side. "Hey Abbie can you take us outside" they asked.

"I don't know it is dangerous out there" I said. "Please!!" They said together. I sigh and nod "all right".

We go outside and they look around. "wow everything looks so different now" Skywarp said. I nodded and looked around.

I was a nice day to be outside. The three fly around happy to be outside. "You three like it out here" I asked. They nodded and smiles.

I smiles at how childish they are right now. Skywarp comes over to me and sits down on my shoulder. I look at him and smiles and he looks at a leaf.

Star and TC are flying around. "Make sure you two don't go to far ok" I said. They both nodded and kept flying around.

After a while I got tired and was resting against a tree along with the seekers. Optimus and Megatron went to check on us.

When they came out and seen us they smiled and walked back in. "So how are they doing out there" Ratchet asked.

"All four of them are sleeping" Optimus said with a small smile. The others smiles lightly and nods and gets back to work.

(An hour later)

They finished up the surprise. Optimus and Megatron come back out side and walk over to me and the seekers.

"Abbie wake up" Optimus said. I slowly wake up and look at him. "Can you come to the living room please" he said. I nodded and got up and holds the seekers carefully not to the wake them.

I walked into the house following Optimus and Megatron. 'I hope they didn't reck anything more' I thought. We walked into the living room.

The seekers woke up and looked at the surprise. I looked at it as well in shock that they did this. The living room was spotless and clean.

But the actual surprise was beautiful and awesome. "We made this for you for what we did this morning" Prowl said. It was the Autobot symbol with pieces of there armor on it as well as the Decepticon symbol an they did the same.

"Wow you did this for me thank you" I said. The girls came over with them cause they were on the couch. They motioned motioned me to come closer.

When I did they put them on me. I looked at them in 'aww'. "And I have one more thing that might help you and us a little more" Wheeljack said.

The others looked at Wheeljack carefully. "and what would that be" I asked. He pulled out a machine. "this will make us your size so you don't have to worry about stepping on us" he said.

He pressed a button and all of them glowed. I was really bright so I had to look away. When the light was gone I looked back and seen them taller and my size now.

"Wow it actually worked" He said. The others were happy it worked to. I looked at them seeing more detail on them.


I'm stuck on what I should do for the next chapter if you got any ideas comment them. Thanks for reading.

~Jeticy (Abbie)

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