Guys meet Ash

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(Abbie P.O.V.)

Me and Ash are walking back to my house. My arm was hurting from before yet cause my cast is broken. Ash looks at me " are you ok?". I look at her and nod lightly " um ya im fine". She looks at me unconvinced " no your not its your arm isnt it?" She asks. I nod lightly and look at my cast.

She comes over to me and takes my broken arm. " here let me help" She says. "how?" i ask her. She says nothing and focuses on my arm. I feel my arm start to feel better and i look at her. She lets go and looks at me. " there all healed" she says.

I look back at my arm then take of the rest of my cast that was left. "Thanks Ash" I say. She nods "no problem now which way to your house". I smile and points in the direction of my house. "That way lets just hope the others aren't to upset".

She looks at me and nods. "Thanks for letting me come with you" Ash says. I smile and nod "it's no problem you can probily help me keep them under control" I say. She smiles an nods " I may look not tough but I am" Ash says.

"I can believe that" I smile and keep walking and I feel something cold land on my cheek. Little water drop lets form on my glasses. I look up and see Snow! "Hey Ash it's snowing" I say happily. She looks up and smiles "awesome! hopefully it snows a lot" Ash says.

We keep walking/rolling to my house. "Hey Abbie where are your parents?" Ash asks. " they are in Alaska left me their house " I say and keep walking. "It must be awesome living with the Transformers" She says. "some days it is but others not really they fight every once in a while" I say to her.

She nods and looks around. I see the house not far away and walk up the walk way. Ash follows me and looks at my house. I hear yelling from the house I look at Ash then at the door. I open the door and walk In slowly with Ash following behind me.

I see Kelsey and the others arguing about a plan to get me. I watch then for a bit. Then look at Ash watching her state at the Autobots and Decepticons in awe. "E-hem guys would you shut up you will alert the neighbors" I say. They all freeze and look in our direction.

"Abbie!!" They all come over. "Are you all right are you hurt?!" The twins ask quickly. I smile and shake my head. "no I'm not all thanks to Ash here" I say. They all look at Ash and she waves lightly. "ah hi" Ash says.

Kelsey came over to me and glared. "How dare you get captured I thought you knew how to fight?!" She says. I smile innocently at her. "well the guy that took me is as strong as them and is one of their enemy's" I say to her.

"And who would that be?" Ratchet asks while looking me over to make sure I'm all right. "Lockdown" I say. They all stiffen and look at each other. "They captured me to get info about you guys" I say.

They nod lightly. "then none of you three are leaving our sights then" The seekers say. The others nod in agreement. "So why were you there Ash?" Skywarp asks. "Um well they killed my parents and experimented on me and tortured as well" Ash says sadly.

"We are sorry for your losses Ash" Optimus says. She nods and looks at me. "I have an idea what we should do" She says. "What is it?" I ask. She smiles and looks at me and Kelsey then the others. " a snow ball fight there is a lot of snow outside now" Ash says.

"Yes us three vs them I think we can take them" I say. "I know we can take them" Kelsey says. "All right lets get bundled up an lets go" I say. Us three put on our winter stuff and head for the door. It's time to have a snow ball fight.


Sorry if there is mistakes I did part of this in the car and the rest today cause I stayed home cause I am starting to get sick which sucks. hope you have a great Valentines day tomorrow .

~Jeticy (Abbie)

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