Bonding time with Wasp and two certain twins

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(Ash P.O.V.)

Wasp helped me back to my room. What I didn't know was two certain bots following us to my room.

Once me and Wasp got up to the door. Two figures came out of the shadows. Two twins I now very well. "Jetfire. Jetistom what are you two doin?' I ask.

"We be helping you" Jetfire says. His brother nods in agreement. And Wasp was behind me watching them.

I nod lightly and cough and wheel into my room. They follow behind me looking at each other. "You being laying down and rest" Jetstorm says.

I nod and and Wasp picks me up and lays me on my bed. "thanks Wasp" i smile at him. He smiles lightly and nods.

All three of them sit on the edge of the bed. "what would you like to do while you being resting" Jetfire asked.

I thought for a moment. "hmm how about we play a game" i say. They nod "ok what kind of game you being playing then" Jetstorm asks.

"um Halo" I say. They nod and Wasp goes and sets it up. I watch him set it up while Jetfire and Jetstorm talk about who was going to win.

Wasp hands us all a controler and sits down next to me. I have the first controler so i start it up. Once we picked a level and our characters we start playing.

(time skip)-couple games later-

We all won at least once all ready. But im all most going to be winning twice just a couple more kills. My guy sneaked up behind Jetfire's and killed him.

"aww man i was being close to winning" He says and pouts lightly. I smile lightly and keep playing.

We kept playing and i won two times while they only won once. "good game guys" i say to them. They nod and stretch their gears.

"i think im done playing for now" i say. Jetfire nods and turns the game off. I think about what all happened in my life.

From me being abandoned to being experamented on then to comeing here. And meeting my favorite bots and cons.

And for having people that actually care about me. I look up to Abbie she knows what to do in situations.

But when it comes to check ups she acts like a little kid again. hopefully i can stay here with her and the others forever.

I yawn lightly and stretch. "you shoud get some rest" Wasp says. "all right" i say and lay down. Wasp pulls a blanket over me and tucks me in.

I smile lightly and close my eyes and slowly fall asleep. But before i do i feel three sets of arms hold me close.

"good night Ash" they all say quietly. I smile lightly and fall asleep.


Sorry if it is short but i did this during the night cause i couldnt sleep.

~Jeticy (Abbie)

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