When they get bored and dinner time.

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(Abbie P.O.V.)

I was making dinner I figured out that they can eat human food to get their energy. So while I was doing that the Autibots and Decepticons were bored.

So they were looking around the house . So I had to be careful not to step on them if they came into the kitchen. Starscream and his brothers were sitting on my shoulders watching me make dinner.

Optimus and Megatron were on the counter watching and talking to each other. "Abbie what are you making?" Optimus asked. "I am making straginof hotdish with fryied potatoes and beans" I said.

"Is it good?" Megatron asked. "I love it so I hope it will be fine for you guys" i said. "I'm sure it will be Abbie" Optimus said. I finished up dinner and got everything set up for them.

I looked at Starscream and his brothers. "can you three go tell the others food is ready" I asked them. They nodded and went to tell the others. I was putting the food on the plates I had out for them and mine.

The others came in and sat on the table. "since the plates are big you guys can share plates" I said. They all nodded and got in groups and sat down looking at the food.

I started eating but they were still just looking at it in interest. Then Megatron was the first to try it. Everyone was watching him to see if it was all right.

"Hmm it is good for human food but it still isn't as good as energon" Megatron said. The others started eating and they also liked it.

After dinner I was cleaning up and once I was done I went to the living room where the others were. I sat down on the couch and layed down.

"You look tired lil'lady" Jazz said. "I'm not tired" I said and yawns. "Yes you are you should get some rest" Ratchet said. I sighed and didn't want argue with Ratchet.

I got up and walked towards the stairs. "Good night guys make sure you guys get some rest to" I said as Optimus,Megatron,Starscream and his brothers followed me. I walked up stairs toy room.

I went to change my clothes am came back and layed on my bed. I started to fall asleep.


Sorry if it is a short chapter but I have been busy. I will update as soon as I can. And I will update my other story as well.

~Jeticy (Abbie)

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