The snow ball fight

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(Abbie P.O.V.)

Kelsey, Ash and me all got our winter stuff on and went outside. " so its girls vs guys?" Megatron asks. I look at the other two they nod. " i guess it is so come Elita, Chromia, Arcee and Moonracer let show these guys girls are better" I say. They smile and nod and come over to us. " ok you get ten minutes to get ready starting now" Ash says.

They nod and get to work on snowballs. While we work on a wall to block us from them. We got the wall done so we worked on the snowballs. " ten minutes are up you guys ready to go down" Ash says. " ya right you femmes are going down" Ironhide says. "ready" I say. "get set" Kelsey says. "Go!" Ash yells.

The guys start throwing their snowballs and we stayied behind the wall. "lets wait for them to run out of snow balls and get them" Chromia says. We nod and wait "quick make some more" Ironhide says. We get up and start throwing our snow balls at them. They missed some but got hit by the others.

"ok ok you guys had a better plan tha us you win this round" Jazz says. We smile in victory and we high five. "lets play what you humans call cops and robbers" Sideswipe says. We nod "all right" I say. Once again it is femme vs mechs.

Us femme's are the robbers and the mechs are the cops. They had ten of them watching the goal they made the others ran after us. I ran fast cause I had the terror twins and the seekers after me. Which i think is unfair 5 against 1. But I still was faster until Skywarp warped in front of me.

I stopped he was about to grab me when I  went left instead. He ran right into his two brothers. I smile and keep running and I see all but me, Ash, and Kelsey in the jail. Sunny and Sides were sneaky and came out from ether side of me and grabbed me. "got you sweetspark" Sides said. "thats unfair" I pout lightly.

They brought me over just when Kelsey was to. We got put in the jail all that is left is Ash. She better not get caught we cant let the guys win. We plan a way to escape from the little jail. But they had the stongest mechs watching the jail.

The mechs outside the jail was Optimus, Megatron, Shockwave, the dinobots and Ironhide. We got the door open quick and got ready to run. We all ran different ways the mechs watching the jail ran after us.

Optimus after Elita , Megatron after Kelsey, Ironhide after Chromia, Sludge , Snarl, Slag after Moonracer. And Grimlock and Swoop were after me. They all were after us and when they did get Ash they were to busy to see us running around she got away again.

After all that we went back inside tired out from all that running. It was fun we all were sitting in the living room relaxing and talking. Until we all started to fall asleep. The terror twins and the seekers were holding me close. That was one eventful day but I love spending time with everyone.


Sorrry for the long time i havent updated but i had a lot of school work to do.

~Jeticy (Abbie)

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