The three of us getting sick

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(Abbie P.O.V.)

When I woke up I didnt feel so well. I felt like I was freezing but when I touched my forehead it was very warm.

Ugh why do i have to be sick its sucks. I carefully got up and looked around at all of us sleeping on the floor or the couches. Kelsey and Ash were up all ready and they didnt look good eather.

I grabbed a blanket that no one was using and walked over to them. I looked at them " hey you two" i say and shivered lightly.

"what wrong you cold Abbie" Kelsey asked. I nod and hold the blanket closer. "I have been having hot and cold flashes" i say. They nod "i think all three of us are sick" Ash says.

"shh dont say that to loud Ratchet might hear" I say. " i dont want to deal with the wrench throwing mech" Kelsey says. We all nod and i sit down at the table. "to late I all ready heard enough" Someone says. We jumped a little and look and sees Ratchet.

"uh oh quick run from the Hatchet!" Ash says. We nod and run away from him. "guys help me out the girls are sick" Ratchet tells the others.

Sunny and Sides run after me "sweet heart please stop we want you to get better" they say. I shake my head and run to my room and lock the door.

(Kelsey P.O.V.)

I ran from Ratchet and the others. I ran for the door and run out and go back to my house. Bumblebee and Soundwave chased after me. But i made it to my house and locked the door.

They were trying to unlock the door but i kept it locked. "Kelsey please come with us so Ratchet can check you over" Bee says. " no way i am fine" i say to them. "then we will just have to force you to come back" bee says.

I go to my room quick and lock the door. I hear them open the front door and i hear them come up the stairs.

(Ash P.O.V.)

I wheeled away from the others quick. I kept on going and went to my room Abbie let me use. I hear peds running after me 'if they think i will come with them they thought wrong'.

I went into the room quick and locks the door. I hear a knock on the door "Ash please come out" I hear some one say. It sounded like Wasp but why was he after me. I thought he was hiding from the others. "im not leaving this room Wasp" i say.

" please Ash i dont like seeing you sick it makes me sad" Wasp says. 'aww he is so cute' i thought.

(General P.O.V.)

Abbie, Ash, and Kelsey still were locked in their rooms. While the others were trying to ge them to come out. So that Ratchet can check them over so he can get them better.

But no they had to be stubborn and not come out. They tried many different ways to get them to come out but non of them worked. They hoped they can get them out soon so they can get healthy.


Sorry it took so long to update but i havee been sick lately. And today i had to go home early from school.

~Jeticy (Abbie)

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