Chapter 2

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"Hey, young man!" When I got out of the cab, the driver stopped me. "I can't wait to see you. I need to leave right now." He hurriedly started his engine.

I was curious as to what had compelled him to forego the pricey fare I had planned to offer. But then I realised I didn't blame him. The problem with 8 Mile was that it wasn't the best neighbourhood. It was a neighbourhood with higher crime rates than the rest of town, rising poverty, and residents who weren't considered to be the friendliest- at least according to general statistics. As a result, when the driver drove away, I understood.

In truth, I was perplexed by myself and the circumstance I had placed myself in. Kanawut Traipipattanapong occasionally makes illogical actions and frequently regrets them.

But when I looked at the paperwork I was carrying, I realised I was being diligent this time.

When I arrived at the hospital's reception, the only person working there was a lady of my mother's age, possibly in her late thirties or early forties. And, unlike the other city hospitals I'd seen, it was unusually quiet and vacant.

"Excuse me, but could you please tell me which room the man who just stepped in went to?" I inquired, and she merely rolled her eyes at me. "Hmm.. " I took the ID from the file and showed it to her. "This individual... he just walked in? Could you please tell me which room he went to?"

"Sir, have a look... If you're just here to waste my time, please leave ". Her tone was anything but kind or nice, she said.

"Take a look, Ma'am... I'm not kidding. I need to give this file back to the person and — ".

"We only register patients here," she said coldly. And here I thought I was the one who was rude. The people in this town were actually arrogant.

"Madam..." I took a brief pause, "I understand your stringent curriculum, but I'm really here to return the file he left on the taxi we were riding in. I'm just a stranger who happens to be riding with him, and I'm only doing my civic duty. Is that too much to hope for? You plainly know who I'm referring to!" I yelled at her.

Then there was an awkward stillness.

"15B," she continued.


"You heard it, kid. Right on the second floor. Visit it or ignore it "She gave the instruction.

I thanked her and began up the stairs to the second floor, wondering what I was doing in this horrible place. Hospitals were not my favourite places to visit.

I glanced at the room numbers and observed that 15B was heavily guarded when I finally arrived. Two physically fit men stood at the entrance, dressed in black and white suits, as if they were guarding some bureaucrats.

And that made me doubt if the nurse had directed me to the correct room.

"Please excuse me, Sir... Is this the 15B?" I asked, clearing my throat, and my head shrank instinctively between my shoulders.

The two men exchanged a short glance. "What is your name?" The person on my right, who has darker complexion than the person on my left, responded.

"I'm here to deliver this file, hm. I found out about the accident and—-"

But before I could finish, the door to the 15B slammed open, and an angry, frantic voice filled the entire floor.

"I'm fucking killing them all!" The hall was filled with wrath.

Within seconds, the guy I was supposed to meet - allegedly, Suppasit Jongcheveevat - emerged from the room, followed by a couple more persons dressed in black and white suits.

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