Chapter 20

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It had been raining for hours now, the steady patter of water splattered against the car window. The thick wool I was wearing which Mew bought for me earlier in the day was almost soaked as water from the car roof reflected on the windows and fall upon my hands.

I watched an irritated Yu seated on the hood of a car waiting in silence and then skimmed the whole alley where Mew's men were behind me. It was supposed to be a full moon tonight but the clouds above stopped any light from aiding us on our mission. However, I was somehow glad to realise that I was about to put some men behind bars.

This was my first assignment as a gang member with Yu. Luckily, Mew did not show up but decided to put Yu in charge while providing me the role to be a good observer.

Much to my luck, during my police duty, I have time and again proven myself as an excellent night watcher hence, I was confident about the work I was assigned to. However, that didn't lessen the guilt and the tension I had about the fact that I was now Hunter's puppet.

"Shhh" The driver hushed at me. "Gulf, they are on the move". said Mike, the  person sitting next to me.

I had been told that we were here to make a deal with a syndicate called Trigger 231. I didn't know what the deal was about, but the men in the dark on the other side didn't look friendly but rather intimidating especially as they loaded their automated rifles.

" Why are they armed?" I hissed at Mike lurking out of the window.

And before we could begin that conversation, suddenly the sound of the raining bullets pierced into our ears.

"Shit! Shit! Back up! We've been played". I heard someone scream and with the corner of my eyes, I saw Yu diving inside a moving car. Quickly, the blazing gun shots sparkled in the dark followed by hostile banging sounds.

"Run! Run! Run" 

Within seconds, the silent night turned hostile and chaotic. All I could hear was people shouting and screaming in all directions along with the intensified  screeching of the car tyre and acceleration amidst the gunfire.

"Fuck! They're calling for dead". Mike cussed in anger as the car we were sitting on pulled off the street.

My heart thumped and my adrenaline rushed when the light from our vehicle flashed at a car and when I looked through the window, I got goosebumps all over my body as I saw Chief Linwood and Hunter in hiding inside a car.

Fuck! Chief Linwood was under Hunter's hostage. Then it struck me that things were as real as it could get. The constant threats Hunter made to me began to terrify me now as reality became evident in my eyes. These people were no joke.

I reluctantly slipped my hands into my pant pocket and pressed the pen Hunter gave me like he wanted me to.

There was guilt, fear and anxiety in me but at the same time, I was aware that I was serving justice to the society and my profession. At the end of the day, my job was to put criminals behind bars irrespective of which party they belong to. It didn't matter whom I befriended or who were nice to me; everyone was equal before the law. So, I decided, once I am done arresting Mew and his men, I would announce a full fledge hunt on Hunter and his men.

Moments after I pressed the pen, the area soon blasted with police sirens from all corners and swarmed in like bees.

"Fuck! What's with the cops?" The driver cussed while speeding up the car only to be blocked by a police car in the front.

"Just drive! I'mma shoot them". Mike began to load his pistol and rolled down the window pane.

No! Attacking police vehicles and policemen were the highest degree of crime. And in this situation, many lives could be lost. I didn't want them to get killed or be charged for murder. I simply wanted them to be arrested. Hence, with no further assessment of the consequences, I kicked the gun away from Mike's hands and it flew out of the window.

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