Chapter 18

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Mew carried me in a bridal-style while I buried my face at the crook of his warm neck. His scent was pleasant and the feeling of his luscious, toned chest framed against me only made him more irresistible. And suddenly, the thought of him touching me inappropriately excited me.

Fuck! Have some fucking dignity! My inner voice screamed but that sanity quickly disappeared as he laid me down on a soft bed and began placing my head on the pillow while hovering himself above me.

Such action of gentleness and kindness was something I didn't experience in my life. Meanwhile, the hardened member below my hips only ached more. And at this point, the idea of letting myself go and pleasure myself in front of an attractive, caring man didn't feel fatuous or morally wrong.

And along with the thought, I began to sweat. "I feel really hot" I pleaded out, embarrassed yet insensibly and began unbuttoning my shirt.

Mew brushed my hair up gently and I heard him whisper, "The doctor is on his way". His voice, which was mellow and calm made my entire body crave even more for him.

"Please make it go away. It hurts a lot". I whispered, this time finally allowing my bare skin to get intact with the cold air in the room.

Then involuntarily, I placed my palm against his chest and started playing with his shirts button.

" Gulf.. " I heard him say slowly by gently taking my hands away but by then his shirts were unbuttoned and for the first time I saw his muscled, sturdy chest flashing at me shamelessly. I gulped at the beautiful frame engulfing my vision.

My chest heaved as our wide eyes locked on each other. I was on fire, like my whole body was tingling with the desire to take the attractive man in front of me.

Maintaining my eye contact I slowly reached down and tugged away his belt,  "Gulf...Stop it". He defended weakly. " There'll be consequences for this".

" I'm ready for the consequences. Just tell me you want me as much as I want you now ". I said and began unlooping his pants' buttons one by one until my hands touched his hardened member.

"Stop!" He firmly grabbed my hands
and his hulking frame came crashing down over my body forcing a moan out of me. "I'll make you feel better". He said sternly. I could feel his cock, now hard as a piece of steel, pressed against my legs and it excited me more.

"I'm going to help you release all of it". He whispered into my ears tugging away my belt and then began unzipping my pants and slowly pulled it down until my hardened member sprung out, constrained by my boxers. We both could see that the front of my boxers were now soaked with pre-cum.

"If only you were not drugged, I'd fuck the shit out of you". He said softly as he began to kiss lightly on the outside of my boxers. I was turned on although his words terrified me. "Looks like you're hungry for me". He said,  and pulled my boxers all the way down.

" Fuck Mew." I gasped at the chilling sensation.

He smiled. Before he could answer he ducked his head under my dick and used his wet tongue to lick my balls, sloshing it back and forth until they were coated in saliva. He ran his tongue gently over it as I moaned in pleasure. Wet, and slick, he let them fall out of his mouth and wiped the saliva off of them with both hands so his palms were as lubricated as possible. I was beside myself, the slightest touch with Mew's tongue was like a live rod of electricity coursing through my cock and up through my body. I had never felt like this, this intensity of pleasure.

Mew continued to press his lips together and, sucking as hard as he could, pushed them down aching slowly over the head of my member to envelope it in the warmth of his mouth. I let out a deep groan as he swirled his tongue around him and finally had my first release after what felt like an eternity of torture and pleasure.

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