Chapter 29

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The next day, the trial began. There wasn't much people in the special courtroom.

Along with the lawyers, prosecutors  the jury, staffs and the judges, the members of public in the courtroom were only Tian, Prince, my family, Chief  Linwood and some family members of JJ, I guessed.

The prosecution made enough allegations against me citing me as a cold-blooded murderer and a rogue officer who encountered people for my benefits of job promotion. I didn't blame them entirely because all evidences against me stood strong.

"Does the defendant plead guilty?" The judge asked looking towards our direction.

Mr. Wook stood up and strongly argued, "No. My client pleads innocent."

"Alright, the defense can now pursue their argument." said the judge.

"Thank you, your honor. May I call upon officer Tian as a witness? I have already submitted his statement before you." Mr. Wook asked to which the judge  flipped through some pages and concord with the demand.

Tian then stood on the dock and few oaths were taken.

"Officer Tian, tell us about the operation  you along with officer Gulf and officer Prince conducted together". Mr. Wook ordered and Tian narrated the entire sequence of events and stopped at how he ended in the NSA office.

" Objection, your honor". The prosecution intervened. "How does this operation relates to the fact that Officer Gulf murdered JJ in his personal ship?"

"It does, your honor." Mr. Wook interjected. "This operation  refutes the allegations that officer Gulf was carrying out any illegal activities for his own benefits. It only shows his bravery and exemplary behaviour in his attempt to bring down a powerful criminal like Mr. JJ and how much he has distrust in the local police departments that he has to seek the NSA intervention. My Lord, I have submitted the documents from the NSA office affirming my witness narration."

It took a while for the jury and the judge to read through the documents and by the looks of it, the jury and the judges looked satisfied.

Later, officer Prince was called and he gave his statement in my behavior. A harsh battle continued but the thing that worried about me the most was to accept that I killed JJ in self-defense. And I wondered whether I should plea myself completely innocent and safe Mew.

Then again, I asked myself; would it be any good if it was known to the world that I, as a police officer worked in alliance with a well-known criminal? Will people still have faith in the Police?

"Mr. Kanawut, do you accept that you killed Mr. Jackson in self defense?" The judge kept persisting with the question while I began to panick.

A part of me had gone numb as the prosecution began to alleged how I have killed JJ and his men so brutally while my defense lawyer continued to argue that even if I had fired; I did it in self defense.

Being accused of a crime I never did terrified me. In fact, JJ and his men killed my father, sexually drugged and abused me when I did nothing.

"Mr. Kanawut, I am asking you again, do you agree with Mr. Wook that you killed Mr. Jackson in self-defense in your  duty?"

I shivered in fear and struggled to accept the lies. I could feel all eyes piercing through me and I couldn't look at my mother's worried face.

Then suddenly, the court room door opened and a man in black suit walked in.

It was Mew. His usual tall frame, sleek dark hair emitted vibes of confidence as he neared the front row of the court.

He gave me a comforting nod and said, "I'll testify".

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