Chapter 19

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An hour has passed since the awkward conversation at the breakfast table. Disturbed, I sat outside the mansion getting some heat from the sun processing my thoughts. I was exhausted at the same time anxious, thinking about where this game of cat and mouse would lead me.

I had talked with Tian just a few minutes ago and he said, there were rats on the police department that actually could have befitted in getting me kidnapped by Hunter and his men.

Had Hunter not found me and forced me to smuggle their drugs across the border, I would have never met  Mew and never know about the Eagles. But I wondered why Mew and his men attacked them that night and ended up rescuing me. I also didn't know where the drugs had disappeared; of course, where Yu took me the previous day had nothing to do with drugs.

As I thought more, I realised the more loopholes there was. Nothing made sense and my investigation was only losing its momentum instead of picking up. At the same time, my relationship with Mew was taking an emotional toll on me.

Then I heard a car tyre screech near me and in a blink, it stopped in front of me.

I looked up to meet the mighty, tall Mew, all dress in black and white suit, looking as dashing as he should, who came out from the car. If only he was not a suspected criminal, I'd have submitted myself entirely to him and his handsome physique.

"Get in, Gulf" He ordered sternly leaving me no room to deny his authority.

I sat down on the car next to him like a frightened small kitten. I was nervous but not enough to burn my face with blushes.

"Where are we going?" I asked as he turned the car on.

"A date. I hope you won't mind". He said laughing softly.

" I thought we were supposed to be mad at each other" I said unamused at his humor and instead decided to remind him about the happening at the breakfast table who in a way seem to have forgotten that something of that sort had even happened.

"Are you really that soft to take every matter to your heart?"

I smiled at him with ease. "Very well, a date it is. So, why do you like me? I'm told I'm actually good looking." I decided to shift the tone of conversation to something fun.

"You could be but should looks be the only reason? Here, I'd just be dying to fuck you till you lose your senses because I haven't been releasing it for a while and you actually think you're something good". He cooed making my face burn with blushes. How dirty! I thought but didn't fail to grin.

"At least, I seem to be sexually arousing you. I didn't realise I was very sexual. Perhaps, I need to pat myself on my back and congratulate myself for having such charisma. My mother should have taught me better".

This time, he laughed and our eyes locked with each other. " You, shameless boy". Mew whispered poking his hands on my dimples. "Now, ask me anything and I'll answer it honestly but not more than five questions". He continued and I froze for a moment in disbelief.

"Are you going to ask me or not?" He cackled.

"Of course, I's just you're way too tight-fisted with the questions." I said taking a moment to compose myself. "Okay  here's the first one... What is it that you do?"

"Oh, nice one" He chuckled softly and bit his lips, "I, I happen to run a group call 'The Eagles'. We stop people from smuggling illegal goods by retrieving it from them and then sell it to the government". His unexpected response caught me off guard. It came out easy but every word raised doubts.

"Am I supposed to believe that?" I asked quite taken aback wondering how accurate those answers were from the truth.

"That is for you to decide. So, is that considered your second question?"

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