Chapter 16

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I'm late once again. I'm truly Sorry.

I woke up to a beam of warm light hitting on my face taking me a while to adjust with the brightness. And I realised, I was resting on a bed in an unfamiliar room that was built with ancient architectural design.

Confused, I woke up and skimmed the room; it was spacious but cozy; clean and well-maintained as the Rosemoore fragrance heavily floated in the air. Someone seemed to be cleaning the room regularly, I observed while picking the phone that was on the cabinet beside my bed. And then, the memories of previous night hit me; Mew.

Shit! I jumped out of the bed while scolding myself that I shouldn't be wasting time resting but investigating Mew and his so called 'family' more closely.

I rushed to the wooden door and sprung it open only to be welcomed by a fenced corridor. And from there, I could see the parlour room downstairs where I had put Mew to sleep the previous night.

Embarrassing! I scolded myself for not even realising how I was taken upstairs. For fuck sake, please don't tell me someone carried me. Taking my shameful face, I descended to the centre of the room and stopped behind the couch where Mew and one of his men were seated on.

Before I could interrupt them, the voice from the tv and the visuals on the tv screen distracted me;

Outskirts of the Mystic city, 5 gunned men were reportedly killed in a shootout last night. The investigation report suggest that it was a clash between Northwest Wolf gang pack and The Eagle syndicate.

As  image of the horror that took place the previous night flashed on the tv, my heart beat accelerated. There were two reasons why my heart was pounding like it would fell off; first, I was glad I was alive, safe and sound but I didn't know what happened to the bomb Hunter has set on our police station and secondly, I was worried about getting my identity exposed and getting a bullet in my forehead in return.

Then, suddenly there was  Chief Linwood on the TV screen holding a press conference.

"Today, I'd like to tell the people of Mystic town that things are under control. The bomb that was placed on our station has been defused successfully. We have  men patrolling all over the town, day and night. It is our promise that we will secure the citizens from such terror and restore peace."

In a way, I was relief to know that everyone was safe and sound. But the larger question remained; how did I got trapped in this whole mess unless someone deliberately set me up? But who? I wondered whether the Gilbert family was all acting according to a plan.

"Eh, you're up" Suddenly, Mew's voice came as a distraction and my attention were drawn to him. "How are you feeling now?" He asked calmly.

"All good... I just realised I didn't have clothes to change nor do I have a tooth brush". I answered looking down at my clothes from the previous night.

"About that... " Mew quickly stood up tapping on his loose black pants, "follow me. I'll show you around".

We excused ourselves to a room next to the parlour. " You can get towels and extra clothes for a change in this room"  He opened a wardrobe full of folded clothes and towels. "There's going to be extra toothbrush on the bathroom." He added.

I nodded unsure of what to say. He was not only treating me as a guest but as someone close and his kind, caring nature made me struggle to believe that there was a scary demon masked underneath.

"By the way," He continued pouring his eyes into mine, "I think you should often put me into sleep. I had a good one last night".

I stared at him taken aback by his statement. Was he hitting on me?

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