Chapter 21

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Sorry, I'm late once again... But....the story goes on 🙃


One of the men arrested in the recent pre-dawn police raids is believed to be one of the top leaders of the Eagles. According to the police, the recent raid has been going on with the help of the  members who were once known as the notorious wolves. Reports has it that the Wolves are an intelligent agency that has been working with the police in secret.

Upon hearing the news, I got enraged and switched off the TV throwing the remote controller on the couch. Tian, who was in the breakfast table together with me rolled his eyes, understood.

It had been a week since the same news  had played in all big media houses headlining as 'breaking news'. And if only there was an ounce of truth in the so called 'raid', I'd have appreciated and cherished it. But much to my dismay, those were fabricated news.

It upset me that the Wolves were gaining public love and attention which was all working in JJ's favor who was gearing up for his Ministerial election. Apparently, JJ was the man funding the notorious organization called Wolves. But now, even the police was under siege by those criminals. Neither the administration nor the political system was to be trusted. Every Institution was as corrupted as Mew had argued in the past and it felt like a living nightmare.

Did I commit a mistake in arresting the members from the Eagle gang?

It brought me immense shame when I looked back to the night Chief Linwood raised his gun at me and Mew, my claimed arch nemesis ended up saving me. The hurt and scar on my echo was beyond repair that I dared not to show my face to anyone for a while.

"How long are they going to run this circus?" Tian asked. He was one person who was following the case closely and someone I confided in with during harsh times.

"It's difficult to fix it when the judicial system itself is corrupted." I answered lamenting at the terrible state affairs.

"What about those men we arrested? Can they be of any help? At least, they can testify right?" Tian asked referring to Mew's men we arrested the other night.

"They won't say a word. Also, arresting them is my biggest regret." I sighed feeling lost. "If only I knew this was going to be the end result, I would have never put the Eagles even on the wanted list. The country needs them now, Tian. They're the only ones who can stand like a threat to the Wolves."

" What about Mew? Didn't you say he's the boss of the Eagles? Don't you think there's something he and the rest of his men can do..can he? At least get his men out?"

"That'd be illegal. Also, half of his men were arrested that night so I doubt he's now powerful enough to take down the Wolves. Man, if only I have trusted him and talked this through with him". I lamented.

Had I confided in Mew before, the nation would not be celebrating those drug dealers called 'The Wolves' as heroes and the police would still be doing a fair job chasing them down.

"Do you really believe the Eagles are really innocent?" Tian asked finishing his breakfast.

"They're not innocent but they're the only one who can do what the government of this day can't. It's obvious, the government and the wolves had been working together for a long time. It has been just a cycle of - the wolves doing the dirty job then the Eagles smuggles from the Wolves and then sell it to the goverment. But the government sends it back to the wolves because they're on the same side. It also explains why Hunter has so much anger against Mew and Yu."

"It also answers why the two gangs are trying to rip each other off" Tian added.

"The more I know about this shit, it makes me feel more dumber. I could have just trusted Mew and his men."

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