Chapter 28

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As I kept looking at where JJ stood; he stopped moving yet his gun still pointing at me. I gazed at him in fear but slowly, as my eyes followed down to his stomach; it was now oozing with blood. I gasped in dismay as I watch him collapse on the floor.

"Fuck!" I screamed in a whisper, terrified and confused as tears blurred my eyes. And then I realised, I was no longer alone in the room but there was someone familiar standing in the doorway.

"Mew?" I cried out as I shut my eyes tight to clear my eyes allowing the tears to roll down.

And then, my heart palpitated. It really was Mew in front of me, holding a gun with blood dripping down his shoulder.

"Mew" I cried out bitterly this time. I was glad to have been rescued but at the same time, I was aware of the fact that JJ's assassination was a criminal offence and would land us in jail especially given the high profile he had.

Without wasting much thought, Mew swiftly rushed towards me, kneeled down and lifted my head and made my head rest on his lap. I still couldn't move as the drug became more effective.

" I'm sorry ". Those were the only words I could utter as I recalled the violation I experienced a few moments ago and the false accusations I had pasted on Mew for so many years.

" Help is on its way, Gulf. Just hold on." I heard him say and a huge relief descended upon me.

"This is the fourth time". I said recalling all the events where he protected me. " Fourth time you're protecting me".

" Maybe I'm getting used to it". He said with a gentle smirk.

"I love you, Mew. I really do". I cried out sincerely then he pulled me closer and hid his face against my chest.

In solace, I hugged him when from the corner of my eyes, I saw someone moving into the room. And within seconds, a bloody Hunter walked in with a gun in his hand aimed towards us.

"MOVE!" I pushed Mew away with all the strength I had and the last thing I heard was a gunshot before I felt a thud on my collar bones.

In the split of a second, I watched Mew gun down Hunter but the cold blood seeping out of my collar bone and its raw, evoking smell clouded my vision.

"Fuck! No! No! No! Gulf". I heard Mew desperately cry for me. I wish I could tell him all the sweet things in this world, but I couldn't even breathe anymore.

" Fuck, no, Gulf, no. You can't leave me." For the first time I heard Mew cry his lungs out for me.

"I love you, Gulf. I fucking love you". He said and that really made me happy but I could only let my tears speak. I tried all I can to smile at him and decided to close my eyes with his words "I love you Gulf " playing on repeats.

Everything finally went dark and I felt myself in peace as the distant memories of the world  played in my mind until there was nothing.

The stark smell of bleach was overwhelming.  I scrunched my eyes at the bright light that was sipping through my closed eyelids.  I felt powerless and heavy. I could not move my hand, my head or my body.

I slowly opened my eyes, squinting in attempt to sharpen the blurred images before me. Where am I? As blinding light slowly subsided I could take a look around my surroundings. I was at the hospital.

How long have I been here? I shut my eyes, trying to remember what had exactly happened. Then it all hits me with a bang. The memory of it all starts to occupy my thoughts.

"You're up". I heard  a voice beside me. It was Tian. " How are you feeling?" He asked coming closer towards me.

"Confused" I answered wryly. "How long has it been?"

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