Chapter 10

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As I ran out of the cafeteria, my brain stuttered for a moment and every part of me went on pause while my thoughts catch up. What just happened? I placed one hand on my chest to feel alive. "I'll be fine". I whispered to myself realising how all those thoughts I ever had about Mew were all wrong. The man actually tried to kill me.

I ran as fast as I could towards the college building and came across a large gathered crowds on the campus. All of a sudden, a police car came screeching down the parking lot, its blue and red light illuminating along with the disturbing sirens as its black tires squealed on the grey cement and skidded to block the white car that was making a move towards the gathered crowd.

Everything I know and believed about the world changed. My college was dangerous, not free from criminals. I could see a young man being handcuffed behind his back in front of all of us by the police officer in uniform. My heartbeat rate accelerated as I rushed into the crowds hoping to get some more information.

Suddenly, someone grabbed my hands. I glanced at the person, it was Chase, his eyes tight and worried. "Do you have any idea what's going on?" He asked, highly distressed. I wondered what gave him the right to talk to me now. I only shook my head no. "Didn't your father tell you anything?"

"No". I panicked as the conversation about Hunter strike my mind. Was I responsible for this young man's arrest? My heart pounded against my rib cage as I shoot my eyes towards the man who was now being pushed into the back seat of the police car. But he was no Hunter- at least not the Hunter I thought I know.

"They're saying he's a drug peddler. It just doesn't make sense." Chase murmured. "I can't believe it's in our college". He continued and the more he talked, the more restless I became. Everything that was happening felt like a nightmare.

"Me neither. I, I need to go". I excused myself from him and walked away towards the gate, ready to return home as thousands of questions occupied my mind with no answers. I wanted my dad to explain what was going on at the same time, I wanted to narrate my story to him.

I got myself into a cab, still trying to connect the dots in my head. The thought that Hunter actually came looking for me in the cafeteria bothered me deeply. Was it because I outed him? But how did they know? And Mew - why was he there to protect me? Was he there to protect me or was he a part of them? But he tried to strangle me. I have even defied my dad's advice by revealing his profession to Mew. Does that mean my father is in trouble?

Suddenly, a familiar black car with tinted window glasses, came beside the taxi I was in with high speed. I know that car all too well because it was the car Mew dropped me the other day. Shocked, I locked through my window and just in time, the window of the car rolled down and I caught a glimpse of the person sitting beside the window. It was Mew but only this time, he had a gun and did not look ordinary but individualistic. Before my brain could capture the image once again, the car drove far ahead of us into the distance.

Instantly, my heart went cold and my thoughts became clouded. I thought my brain was playing a trick yet I felt betrayed and terrified at the same time. And as every single moment I spent with him rolled into my mind, I regretted the naively nature in me.

Promising not to ever make the same mistake of trusting another person again, I closed my eyes for a while only to be waken up by the sound of the radio playing inside the taxi.

"NewTronian authorities in today's press conference announced that more than 200 inmates escaped and 25 people died in a prison break out, making it the country's largest and deadliest one in a decade, with the prison director and a powerful gang leader among those killed."

What? I turned stoned.

"It is believed that Today's jailbreak at the City Hall Prison in North-east Newtroney was to free the gang member of NWPG, Frederick Diggory who was arrested yesterday by the City Police Department.
The reports of fires exchanged between the police and the gang members are still said to be continuing. The situation seems to be only getting tense. Citizens are requested to stay vigilant and safe."

"Dad!" I gasped loudly realising it was my father's office and it was a part of his investigation. I quickly took my cellphone out and called him as fear hugged me and my body stiffened when he failed to answer me.

Was he okay? My heart puckered as tears slowly rolled down my cheeks anxiously as I repeatedly kept dialing his number.

"Hey, this is Ryan, I can't come now. Please leave a message". His voice mail responded and hearing his voice only made me cry more. He was all I had. If something were to be happen, I know I wouldn't survive a day.

"Boy, are you okay?" I heard the driver speak to me. I must be whimpering loudly. I wiped my eyes dry and asked him to take me to the City Hall Police Department.  "Didn't you hear the news? It's suicide to go there". He said.

"I know but my dad is there. He'll take care of me". That was all I could manage to say with my cracked voice.

"If anything, by going there you'll only disturb your father. Take my advice and just stay at home." He said calmly and I agreed in defeat because he made more sense than I at that moment.

Just after a few minutes with my conversation with the driver, my mother called me. And all I heard from her sobbing voice was, "Come to the City Hospital now" and I went numb.


Thanks if you're already here. Please do let me know how you feel about the progress of the story. I'd really appreciate that. I have to admit, this story is not going to be all roses and smiles.

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