Chapter 23

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A week has gone after the significant meeting between Mew and I. I was back at work with a better state of mind and a new set of goals.

For once, I decided to believe that my father got killed during the fire exchange between the gangs and the police. I believed in Mew's testimony and closed the case. I realised it was best I end the traumatic chapter and move ahead in a case filled with uncertainty and conspiracy. Infact, no one was as interested as I in this case.

"Excuse me Sir." Cloney, the officer on duty from my team handed me a white envelope. "This came for you."

The envelope was plain. " Who send this? There's no mention of the sender". I said aloud flipping the envelope back and forth.

"A visitor brought it in saying he was asked to pass it on to you". Cloney replied before I asked him to leave. 

I opened the letter and it read:

Meet me at South-West beach tonight. 7 O'clock.

Excited yet confused, I tossed the paper away and continued with my work. But I looked forward for the surprise the whole day.


Seven O'clock at West Side, I sat at the beach reminiscing about how everything started here with the kidnapping of Mr. Gilbert's son and the events that unfolded.

Unlike that fateful night where it all began, the beach was heavily crowded with young teenagers vacationing their summer. I sat there in peace not wary of the situation nor my safety. I didn't care who wanted to meet me and what they wanted. By now, I lost my sense of self-love and my determination to strive for the best for everything I believed that was good had all let me down. Hence, I stopped cherishing what was apparent to my eyes. It was true, not everything that glitter was gold.

"Hey Gulf". Suddenly, a sharp, familiar voice came from behind.

Curious, I turned around and my heart leapt in joy as I saw a smiling Yu walk towards me.

" Yu!" I amazed at him. He was the least expected person on my list. "Was that you who wrote me?" I asked in disbelief and stood up to embrace him into a hug.

"Wasn't it romantic?" He joked hitting me on my shoulder. The aura he emitted   filled up my heart with joy. Little did I realized, he was such a happy pill in that depressing hour.

"I'm just surprise that you remembered me. " I said as we sat down dipping our feet together on the water.

"Of course, I remembered. It's not easy to forgive and forget a betrayer." He playfully replied punching me on my shoulder.

"I really am sorry. You must be hating me as well."

"I am angry with you. I thought I'd kill you the moment I see you but later I figured that you were just doing your job".

I stared at him in disbelief. In a way, his optimism caught me by surprise but it felt good to be recognise by my work ethics for the first time.

" I just think you shouldn't stop halfway. You should finish what you started". Yu continued.

"What do you think I should do?" I asked half-heartedly.

"You're already in the rabbit hole, Gulf. You know who's good and who's not. If someone like you doesn't do shit, this country is going to sink".

" What are you suggesting?" I asked, a bit enlightened by hearing those words of encouragement which sounded alien to me at this point.

"Fight with the institution. Bring them down. Expose those corrupt official and keep them behind bars".

"And how do I do that?"

"Take the help of the higher Institutions. Your duty doesn't end in this State, does it? You're a police office of this country, not just this state." Yu advised and it shone a little light on me.

Of course, he was right. I cannot be the only officer desperate for peace and development. My State may have been sold out to the thieves and criminals but that didn't define my entire country.

I looked at Yu impressed by the rare sight of him - all mature and sensible. I wondered whether I was the only one lacking in the brain department.

"Why are you telling me all this?" I asked making him gain a smile deepening his dimple.

"You seem to be pretty decent on your job. Yeah, I happen to did some background check on you and I am impressed with what you've achieved...just this time, you missed the glitch."

"Thanks Yu... Perhaps now I can now get my head straight".

"I just hope you'll trust the Eagles to be an organization established in good faith, Gulf. They may not abide by the law in the constitution but they're not public enemy. If outlaws are to be given a stage, why not give the better ones to shine?"

"I'm just a police officer following the rules in the Institution's rule book. I'm obligated with my duties, Yu. "

"So is everyone in your department obligated but they seem to have bend the rules for their own benefit. If they can do that, what's wrong in bending the rules for a thriving society?"

As I listened to him, I felt awakened.  He may be wrong but in this chaos of a state affair, he made perfect sense. How long should I allow myself to succumb to injustice and tyranny of power?

"I need evidence to make up a case and take it to the higher authorities".  I said directing to the federal structure of the nation which makes police a federal state subject.  If I were to submit a case to the national agencies the rule requires strong evidence and a provoking section that explains the threat to the national security.

"How do I get the evidence?" I asked, excited.

Yu nudged at my shoulder as if he was baffled. "Make alliance with your enemy's enemy. Didn't you hear the old saying? You're enemy's enemy is your friend".

"By alliance, you mean the Eagles?" I asked and Yu shrugged positively and my heart throbbed in celebration of the new found hope.

"So how do we start?" I pushed the conversation excitedly.

"Woo, I don't lead the Eagles, Gulf. Find the person and talk with the man who can make it happen. I'm just a follower." He said and I realised by the 'right man', he meant Mew. Reality was hard and that hope I discovered moments ago went back to hiding again; Mew would never make another deal with me again.

"You do what's best, Gulf. Everything's on you." He then stood up to leave. I wished he would stay longer.

"Yu." He stood still. "How did you become an Eagle? Did you and Mew started together?"

"Why do you want to know?"

"I just want to feel a little closer to you guys maybe."

He then took a deep sigh and said, "I lost my parents on a gang war when I was fourteen. The only thing I know is that a young man in his mid-twenties adopted me as his brother and the rest is history."

"So, Mew literally is your only family".

" He is...Gulf?" His tone dropped low, "Mew genuinely liked and cherished you. I just wish you were able to see that sooner."

Those were the last words he said before leaving the spot. How I wish, he could see how absolutely devastated I became on hearing those. It not only puckered my heart in regrets but made me wish to go back to that night he wanted me to prove my feelings. If only I knew how irrevocably pure his feelings for me was, I would have done everything I can to prove my feelings for him. But was it too late now? The only apparent answer I could guess was; it was too late now.


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