Chapter 24

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The conversation with Yu although ended up with a disappointing tone, it awaken my conscious. I decided to approach my future missions with a reforming zeal. Perhaps, it was time to look into myself and develop several parts of my personality and nurture it to grow. Moreover, Yu's assurance on how Eagle was a group of good faith made me view Mew in a different light than I had earlier.

Firstly, I no longer suspected him to be the killer of my father. In fact, words of Hunter repeated in my head where he talked about my father being a brave men till his last breathe and I being a pussy. It only gave me more evidence to a conspiracy I was investigating that, everything was a set up from the beginning.

"Gulf" It was Tian entering into my office after I summoned him just a while ago. "Did you get a new lead?" He asked inquisitively. It was admirable how the two of us work in sync.

"I want to re-open River's abduction case. There's just something not right about that case."

"What are you getting into?"

"The fact that I walk  right into the trap... the fact that Hunter didn't kill me but only wanted me to cross boundary with his goods and meeting Mew. It all can't be coincidence, Tian. There must me some moles in the department."

"Indeed...but Gulf, I don't trust most of the persons here. This time if we are doing it, we need an independent probe." Tian suggested and I shared his concern equally.

"Do you have someone you trust that can  aid us?" I asked.


Prince Manning was Tian's best friend and a young officer who was about six years older than  me but got recruited three months after me. I remembered he was on my team the night River was retrieved from the abductor.

"Invite him to my place tonight, talk to him and cancel his night duties until the election".

" I can do that but what is it that you're going to do?"

"I'll first have to reach NewTroney and meet some important person who can make this happen."

"Alright. I'll detail Prince about the matter."

"Sure Tian. I'll now have to go. See you later tonight...and just proceed with the case even if I am late."

I looked at the wall clock and it was 12 noon now. If I were to get to NewTroney, I realised I had to make it early. The three hours ride was not a joke but if I was serious about taking down the powerful people, I needed alliance with organization stronger and smarter than me. I was told that Mew was still in NewTroney and has been keeping his profile low ever since half of his men got arrested and Hunter's members began campaigning for JJ's election. This must have been a huge setback for him but I believed that, it was only a while until he come back roaring like a tiger.

Inside the car, I dialled Yu's number which I received from Grace and drive along the highway to NewTroney. Although Yu was young and often appeared to be cold,  he was a calm,  warm man who was oriented about things more then he shows himself.

"Hello, Yu speaking"

"Yu, it's me, Gulf".

"Look at who's calling" Yu was breathing heavily. I could hear something like the slapping of the skin and bunches- much like the sound one hear in a gym. I figured that's where he must be.

"I need a favor Yu. Can you set me up a meeting with Mew?"

"You must be joking"

"I really need to have a word with him. Please". I pleaded

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