Chapter 27

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Warning: Disturbing Contents

Roughly written......couldn't give proper time. Kindly forgive me for not being regular.


It took me about half an hour to reach the hill top after climbing the thick forest. And from where I stood, I could see the sea port owned by JJ Enterprise below. I looked around and saw that JJ's men were heading towards Prince's location.

I know, I was an open target for Hunter but Prince was unknown to them. If anything, Prince was the only surprising factor had and hence, his safety became my priority. All we needed was a picture of the deal taking place between Mew and JJ in the port. Hence, I ran down with the intention to distract them before Hunter and his men got to Prince.

"Prince! It has to go according to the plan. Nothing changes, no matter what." I reiterated on my mic.

"Gulf, what are you going to do?"

"Just trust me. Stay where you are no matter what and leave as soon as you get the evidence". I gave my final order before disconnecting the call and took my microphone off.

Perhaps, I was being over confident but I trusted my people. Yu and his men had captured the largest drug consignment of JJ costing around 200 million. This money was important for him to run his election and eventually win it by buying the vote. So, when Mew asked him to meet personally to trade with his stolen goods, JJ couldn't refuse.

Once I reached the bottom, I hid myself behind the ship, viewing the scene at the distance only through a small hole.

Mew, in his black and white suit, wearing a gentleman's black tie came out from a car. Even at that reckless hour, my heart fluttered for him as the way he carried himself was aesthetically charming.

Yet the tensed situations heightened as JJ came out from the car parked opposite of Mew's.

I watched them as I moistened my dry throat with the Saliva and clicked a couple of pictures and recorded it with my phone as evidence.

Mew calmly rolled his cigar and placed it between his lips, emitting his sexy, confidence vibe all around.

Their voices and conversations were inaudible to my ears. All I could see was them sharing a firm handshake and then a briefcase was exchanged. But I know, Prince has his equipments right. He must be capturing the whole thing with no difficulties, I thought. The only thing that mattered to me was that the video would make a strong argument in the case.

After a brief moment, JJ signalled his men and a they opened the briefcase and took a pack of white power looking like milk powder. I assumed it was the drug and it was proven true as someone sniffed it.

After a brief moment, Mew turned around to leave while two men headed towards my direction. Hence, I quickly hid myself behind the ship whilst I listened to them murmur something.

"Is the air support ready to take off?" I heard one of them speak.

"It's clear. So when do we do the take outs?"

"Right after the Eagles leaves the premise. The cops will halt them in the midway that's when we retrieve The money."

"Just call Hunter and check his location".

Fuck! It's a set up. My heart trembled in fear while I searched for my phone in the pocket but the connectivity was down. Of course, they must have cut off all communication for an ambush.

I skimmed around helplessly knowing that I had to save Mew and his men at any cost. Hence, I turned around to run back when suddenly one of the guards screamed, " Someone's up there! Someone's up there!", which was then followed by some gun shoots.

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