Chapter 15

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Thank you, if you're already here.


A few moments after Mew left, a young man came searching for me. He introduced himself as Marvin and led way to the bathroom that was located upstairs.

For almost the first time in my life, I feel like a fraud. I hate to lie and hide my identity to a man like Mew. But, it was a task that called for my patience and perseverance.

"Sir, I shall be leaving. Please meet Mr. Jongcheveevat in the parlour once you're done." Marvin instructed on reaching the bathroom. I was a little taken aback by the way he casually called me 'Sir'. Was it a conventional use?

"Thank you". I said locking myself inside the spacious bathroom and quickly dial the number to my office. I only hoped that my men were safe - specifically Tian.

Within seconds, my call got picked up. "Mystic Police Department" came a hasty voice that sounded like Tian.
I could tell, the entire department must be in chaos and alert because of my disappearance.

"Tian? Is that you?" I guessed and a brief silence followed. "Hello?" I repeated.

"Yes..." He hesitated as if he was trying to figure me out. "Sir? Gulf? Is it You?" He guessed which assured me that it was Tian.

"Thank God, you're safe". I sighed in relief. But how did he rescue himself? There were lots of gaps in the event that unfolded with the extraction of River Gilbert that night.

"Sir, where are you? Are you okay? Things are going crazy over here." Tian ranted almost running out of his breathe.

"I'm fine... Listen to me Tian, I need a favor. I want Chief Linwood's personal number ASAP"

"Right away sir" He responded. "But are we not suppose to come rescue you? I have sent half of our men to investigate about the car and an inquiry team has been set up by our special team. The Gilbert family is still in our custody on mere suspicion that they acted along with the gang. " Tian explained in a rush and I could tell from the anxious tone of his voice that he was under a lot of pressure.

"Tian, as always, you've been excellent. Is this number being traced right now?"

"Yes sir, I just got your calling number and your location. You're in Metrops". Atleast Mew was honest about it, I noted.

Later, my phone received Linwood's number in the form of a text.

"Thank you, Tian. Keep my location on. Always be ready with backups. I may send out further information anytime." I instructed then I remembered my office database, "Also, conceal my identity from the department's database if you can"

"But sir, that's risky "

"I know but I'll explain everything later.. even if not, Mr. Linwood will. I just need your co-operation with me."

"Sir, are you sure of what you're doing?"

"I am certain. Now, do I have your support or not, officer Tian?"

"Yes Sir"

I thanked him and placed him in-charge of the office during my absence before disconnecting the call.

I briefly glanced outside to check whether people were around. Having foud the coast was clear, I called Mr. Linwood. He was not just a familiar person but was the chief officer of the Mystic police department who handles everything of the state. He was the only individual who could assign me a risky project such as going undercover with full authority. Above all, because of my personal relation with him through my father, I was certain that he wouldn't hesitate to go ahead with my plan.

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