Chapter 26

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In a shocking political development, an FIR has been filed against Millionaire and the Ministerial candidate, Jeremy Jackson, popularly known as JJ in the Mystic Police Department.  He has been booked on attempt of funding drug peddler across the border. Stay tune to know all about the latest development in this development.

The headline flashed on the entire news  channel as everyone gazed at the TV on the wall as if aliens had struck the earth. Few of them stared at me like I had gone crazy. I supposed the idea of challenging a ministerial candidate must have been almost appalling to everyone.

They've seen Aiden Sporks, the rival of JJ walked into my office just an hour ago and only after a few minute after his departure, the news about JJ disseminated like wild fire. All in all, it was a success of our plan.

"You've done well, Prince". I said as he stood next to me watching the news with a sense of pride and happiness.

"I'm just relieved it worked out." He said.

"Now we just have to wait for JJ's men to show up in retaliation."

"Do you think they'll be hostile?"

"I'm certain  they'll show up with either a bribe or threat. That's how these people play their games."

"Do you want to stay alone when this whole process go down?"

"Yeah, I'll deal with it alone. I gotta finish what I started."  I said and walked back into my cabin.

My phone then bombarded with calls from the higher authorities. It started with Chief Linwood to the chief secretary of the town. But this time, I decided to ignore their calls and stick myself with the plan. Instead, I called up Mew for some comfort and his assurance that I was not alone in this fight.

In the first call, Mew picked the call and the first thing he said was, "You're doing great.". And that was enough to bring upon some  intensive comfort on me.

"Isn't it weird that it was all I wanted to hear from you?" I said reclining against the arm of my chair for a breather.

"Is it weird I'm missing you a little too much now?" He cutely asked.

I smiled again. "I'm worried about you, Mew. Just come back to me safely no matter what."

"You take care, Gulf. I'll have to go now".

"Mew? "

"Hm.. "

"I love you".

" Hmm".

"Just that?" I asked disappointed.

"Later" And the line got disconnected.

I felt my heart race fast. I was anxious, happy yet terrified for his safety return.

In the midst, a knock on the door awakened me.  It must be JJ's men, I assumed and when I look up; it was none other than Hunter peeking through the door.

" Inspector Gulf, what a pleasant surprise!" He said mockingly and walked inside. "You seem to have grown some balls." He said occupying the chair in front of me.

"Maybe I always had it" I snapped and he returned me a stank eye.

"Perhaps you forgot how this is going to end". He grinned ambiguously and raised his eyebrows. " I know you want to be a hero but all heroes fall, Inspector Kanawut".

This time I laughed at him. " That's where you got me wrong, Hunter. I don't want to be a hero." I said standing up, "I'm just doing my job as a responsible officer. Besides, If I were you, I'd be carefully watching my back. We never know who's going to hit our back". I said leaning towards his face and closed our distance.

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