Chapter 22

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I gasped heavily under the lurking danger in front of me, terrified by the aggression of my handler. Mew was alarmingly tall, strong and sturdy than I was and I didn't stand a chance with him despite my police training.

"Mew.. " I whispered trying to pacify the tension.

In return, he pressed my neck against the wall harder with more strength, making sure there was not enough oxygen passing through my oesophagus.

"L-Let's talk". I struggled to say as I gazed into his beautiful brown eyes that were now fuming with so much hate. "I'm really sorry... Please let me explain". I continued pleading and stared into his eyes.

He looked at my helplessness with no reaction for a while. And then suddenly, he curved up the corner of his lips into a smile with no change of emotion in his eyes.

"Sure, let's talk... let's listen to what you have to say." He said sarcastically loosening the grib on my neck and finally set me free.

Relieved, I thank him whilst he stared at me like he could pierce through me with his eyes as I coughed. I understood his anger and his hate for me. Half of his men were in Police custody because of me while the Wolves were paraded as 'saviours' and were on the front line campaigning for JJ's election. At the end of the day, society allows money to talk. JJ was a millionaire and the Wolves were his minions.

"Talk" He ordered  then tilted his head to the side.

"I- I'm really sorry".

"Try better" He said without flinching and made his way towards the couch that was placed in the middle of the room.

This Mew I was witnessing now was nothing like the Mew I knew before who was calm, kind and caring. In fact, the aura he was emitting now reminded me of the ghastly night where he rescued me from Hunter - dreadful, merciless and daunting.

"Here's your last chance", he continued taking out a gun from his back and placed it on the table. " Come on, beg for your life." He said lighting his cigarettes calmly and stared at me.

My heart throbbed in pain as I witness a heartless, merciless Mew that showed no signs of love and sympathy except hate and anger.

"You asked me what do I do even before...I'm actually the deputy inspector of Marilyn Police Department." I admitted finally and added more silence in the atmosphere, "The day my father died, I was handed a file regarding my father's dead and it had you as the potential suspect. I wanted to put my father's killer behind bars hence I became a police officer."

I took a pause to see his reaction but Mew remained indifferent.

"I kept searching for you to know the truth but you disappeared without a trace until you rescued me from Hunter. And when I finally got to see you, I didn't want to miss out the chance so I end up hiding my identity."

He briefly stared at me and asked with a calm tone, "That can't be all, can it?"

"There is more...". I fidgeted timidly. "The night Yu brought me home drugged - it was Hunter's doing....he wanted a deal with me. He wanted me to arrest you so he set me up to alarm the police anytime you go out for a deal. In return, he promised to keep my identity sealed from you and the videos he took of me."

This time, Mew looked up at me showing signs of interest.  "Why are you telling me all this now?" He asked furrowing his eyebrows.

"I - I feel guilty...I have been feeling guilty ever since the incident and I just want to let you hear the truth." I answered sincerely.

"Oh, you do have a conscience" He chuckled mockingly and threw the cigarette on the floor. "Come, sit down with me". He said tapping on the sofa.

I was taken aback by his sudden actions. Although hesitant but compelled, I slowly walked towards him and sat beside him.

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