Chapter 8

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A sudden discomfort bestowed upon me when Mew shut down the car engine in front of my house. The thought of whether we were qualified to call each other as 'friends' or not was still unclear and it was one reason why I didn't fancy our separation.

"Would you like to come in? Maybe we could drive to college together". I suggested taking the car key from him.

"Thanks...but maybe some other time" He said as we got out of the car, "I'll see you in college. You better get ready fast" He said next reminding me that I was already late.

But that was enough for my heart to smile hoping that we will no longer be considered 'strangers'.

We bade at each other as Mew walked away from our lawn and I entered my house.

But the moment I stepped my feet inside the house, I was greeted with my mother's annoyed face. She seemed to have been looking at us through the glass window. Hence, the anger.

I looked at her and noticed she was wearing a cardigan fully tugged inside a pencil skirt, probably ready to go to her work. I only wished I had return home a little late than this.

"Where were you?" She demanded making her steps closer to me and my heartbeat accelerated putting an entire stop on my movement. "Do I smell alcohol?" Her voice raised sternly as she closed our distance and sniffed at me. All I did was gazed at her because even though I hated the way she was treating me, I respected her and could never lie. "How dare you! I can't call you my son if you come home smelling like an addict with some shabby looking men! "

"Mom!" I cut her off, taken aback by her outburst and her condescending remarks.

"Who are you, Gulf?" She agitated even more dramatically and suddenly tears ran down her cheeks and at that moment I could not help but see through that she was guilt tripping me.

"I had one drink!" I defended strongly

"That's why you were so wasted to even talk with me on the phone? Now, you have even start to lie? Do you have any idea how worried we were about you? You don't even care about this family!"

Her words clouded my judgement and fury ran through my head. "Jesus, mom! I had one drink for crying out loud and now you think I don't care about this family!? That's really logical!" I snapped

"Oh, like you care about your sister who comes home bruised! Yes! You sister! Do you have any idea how difficult it is for me to look after the two of you? Your father is never at home and here you are disrespecting me!"

At her words, I jolted and a chill shoot down my spine. A lot of things were said but all I could think was, Anna. But then the last time I checked, she was all fine. In fact, why should I even care? She doesn't even seem to care an ounce about me.

"Maybe she messed up". I mumbled slowly but before I realised what I have said, a sharp slap landed on my cheeks. Did my mother just slap me? I stood still and my eyes widened while my mother gasped. Maybe, it was unintentional. ..I really hoped it was, because I could see regrets subduing in her eyes but that did not comfort me.

"I'm sorry" She said apologetically covering her mouth with her palm. I did not know why but tears began to roll down my cheeks.The slap was not even painful but I couldn't stop my tears.

"You asked me who I was?" I broke the silence as my entire body began to shake, "I am your son goddamn it!" I shouted at her although half of my brain urged me to stop talking. "Yes! I am your fucking son with whom you'll always have a problem with because I am not what you wanted me to be".

" Stop, Gulf... " Her lips quivered.

"I'm just a fucking burden to you, am I?" I cussed at her and ran out of the house as my heart wrenched almost suffocating me.

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