Chapter 25

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I am terribly sorry for the late update. Please do reread chapter 24 in case you have forgotten about it.

Thank you If you're already here.


It has been two days since Tian, Prince, Yu, Mew and I have been staying together in the farm house I rented out two days ago.

The farmhouse was a perfect hideout in the middle of the forest. It didn't had passerby and was far away from the town. I only bought it because Mew had asked me saying that his men needs privacy. And hence, I rented the house on a deserted surrounding where our meeting had been continuing for the past one hour.

"If JJ doesn't show up the night to the dealing, how do we prove that it's him?" Tian asked looking at the projector as Yu presented his plans. It had been an hour of deliberation on how to bring down such powerful people.

"We'll have to let JJ know that we are not doing the deal without him." Yu answered.

"How do we make that happen?"

"That's what we're here to figure out".

"He's at the peak of his political rally. He's way too smart to dip his hands into the mess at this point". Prince added after listening to Yu's and Tian's back and forth exchange.

"There has to be a bait, one of his weakness"  I added looking round the table at my small secret team, we have just set up. Our plan was to capture a clip of JJ dealing the drug himself. That was the only way, we can brand him and the entire Wolf gang as 'Illegal traders' and bring an end to this era.

"Your enemy's enemy is your friend". Suddenly Mew chimed in with sheer confidence. "We need a political player to bring down a politician. Who is campaigning against him?"

"Aiden Sporks, the ex-member of parliament." Tian answered quickly.

"So, Aiden must be desperate for power. How is his brownie points right now?" Mew continued the talk exposing his authoritative nature in a relaxed manner.

"70% votes belongs to JJ. At this point, Sporks doesn't seem to be even in the race." Yu answered from his search. "There's just four days before the election".

"Once he wins the election, JJ will be immune from any investigation for the entire tenure...that's five years from now." I chillingly added feeling devastated at the little amount of time we had.

"We need to rob in Sporks ASAP. We must make sure Sporks file an FIR in Gulf's department against JJ by tomorrow. That's the only way JJ will reach out to you Gulf and that's how you get a small window to convince JJ that Eagles and Sporks are on the same team. Spork rise in power will become  a distraction to him and that's when we'll cut off his main supply chain that is, Hunter and his men. Taking down Hunter will make him panick and that eventually will get allow him to meet the leader of the Eagles for negotiation. The negotiation won't happen until a deal happens. That's how we'll get the evidence".

"Bingo!" Yu clapped his hands in concordance with Mew's statement. "By the way! " Yu squealed, "Breaking news! Sporks is charged of carrying illegal arms at the airport. It must be JJ's doing. I guess the heavens just made it easier to scope in Sporks into the game."

"Is everything going to be so simple and easy as it sounds?" I asked.

"Obviously no" Mew replied. "What we're about to do is going to cost lives. We still have time if you want to back out. "  Mew continued coldly.

"JJ is a merciless man and so is his mercenary - Hunter. You think this people care about human lives? If they did, they wouldn't be in the line of power  this long." Yu added.

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