Akashi X Depressed!Reader II

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{A/N- a sequel, from popular demand. I don't normally like sequels since I lose interest in things quick. But here you go it's set in the third year of high school, gets a bit mature at the end...}
Akashi x Depressed!Reader II
"Ne,ne nii-San! I saw the ghost! I saw it!" A young boy flew in to the room, huffing and puffing from evading the entity, running to see his beloved far cousin.

"Oh, and where was this ghost?" The young man closed his laptop with a faint smile on his lips. Red spiky hair crowning his head, his eyes sharp yet warm.
"She was at nii-san's house!"
"She?" The man inquired.
"Hm!" The boy nodded brightly. His orange eyes beaming with excitement.

"Akashi. You've failed at this... You need to find some initiative." You walked in with a serious expression, holding up your revealing red lacy underwear that Akashi had recently bought for you.

A loud scream was heard and you looked to the boy who just hid behind your fiancé's chair. Embarrassment pulsates through your body as you quickly hid the garments behind your back, glaring at the amused man who was trying to hide his smirk with his hand, casually sat back on his chair with one leg crossed over the other.

"The ghost! It's her! SHE KNOWS YOUR NAME!!" The little boy was estatic. Running up to you and pointing rudely with a protruding finger. He had black hair and orange eyes.
"Well?" You gritted out to Akashi after making brief eye contact with the child.
"This is my fiancé (Name), (Name) this is Mikami my cousin" Akashi said in an upbeat tone, ignoring the glares you were giving him.
"So this is nii-san's new wife?" The boy said slowly, before you could even offer a greeting. Mikami started walking around you, in circles, inspecting you from head to toe.

The whole room was silent as he walked back to Akashi, whispering something in his ear. Akashi had his sights set on you, drifting down to 'unnamed' places. You narrowed your eyes at him.
"I'm leaving" you stated in a bored tone. Not really caring. Just annoyed.

Packing your things was pretty easy. Not like you had much personal stuff here in this house. You looked to your barren room. It was shared with Akashi, only because those were the conditions put in place for your own little agreement. You had two different beds though, for other reasons.

It still puzzled you as to why after all this time Akashi still gave you so much freedom. He allowed you to live in his house, doing as you pleased. No more schedules. No more disappointed parents. No more stress... But you were still suspicious.

The sour feeling never left. It had morphed into something else. You now held a deep disappointment for your family. Since the agreement, they hadn't even bothered to contact you to ask how you were. Not even asking for your report card on assessments these past couple of years.

It was freeing, but now it made you wonder whether they ever even cared for you... You already had thought about it, too deeply for it to be at any healthy level of thinking.

Despite the neglect, all the unsatisfactory moments, all the voids left in you because of them. You still had a little hope. Even the slightest that you didn't notice until they were gone and out of your reach.

You hoped they would love you like a true daughter. Not an object. You wanted to be loved by your parents. To be given hugs, kisses, to be able to have the memory of when you fell and grazed your knee that it was your mother who patched you up. Or that your father would give you a piggy back ride to the park. Or even a family picnic.

But memories are overrated. You had no such things as happy memories, the visions in your head were simply the dreams of a lonely child who would sit inside on a bright summers day studying with a face of stone looking out to the happy neighbouring children playing out the window.

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