Kagami x Reader

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{A-N- Dedicated to Rawr_82!!}

Kagami x Reader

You were randomly walking through the streets of night-time Tokyo, bouncing a basketball with every step. Gosh there was a lot on your mind. Taking another glance to the ball in your hand you decided to find a court. There was an empty looking court by a park up ahead!

You ran to it, serving as your little warm up and then started imagining strong players like you had seen on the tv. A shadowed figure watched as you played. You looked like a really cute boy, you had a feminine face, more prettier than any boy or girl your age. You looked like a boy that would sell a lot of money if he could sell to the right buyer.

Stalking out from the darkness he walked behind your bench as you took a breather.

"Got'cha!" He gleamed. You instantly started screaming and thrashing about as his hand covered your mouth with a fabric that had a funny smell. Good thing you knew not to breath at times like this!

Kicking him in the groin he staggered back and you instantly fell dizzy. Maybe the tiny breath you took actually did something...

"You son of a-" you kicked him in the face rendering him unconscious.

"(Name)" came a voice.

"I don't feel too good..~" and with that you fell.


Waking up again you saw the worried maroon eyes of your crush... To bad he thinks your a boy.

"Are you ok?" You nodded sitting up.

"Where's that filthy piece of shit?!" Kagami frowned

"A few if his friends came to back him up" your eyes widened.

"Are you ok?! Did they hurt you!" Seeing his odd expression you started coughing make your change of voice less prominent. "I mean uh- did you beat them...?" He leaned back on his couch with a proud smirk.

"Yeeahhhh-no" you started laughing slightly at that.

"Well what am I doing at your apartment?" He shrugged.

"I don't know where you live~ besides my apartment is much closer to that court so I couldn't be bothered looking through your phone to find out where you live."

"So we're having a sleepover?" You asked making sure.

"Sure, but call your parents" with that you frowned. "I'll make some food and you go get a shower."

"Fine" you grumbled.

Heading to the guest room you took off your clothing and then unwrapped the bandages on your chest. Your parents had allways told you basketball was for boys. So you simply decided to become one for basketball purposes only... Then one day you met kagami taiga. He had skills matching up to yours.. But you were still ahead. And his boyish ego didn't let you rest until he finally beat you, which still hadn't happened.

It made you smile as the hot water ran over your body. You let out a sigh. How did you come to like the boy? He was constantly around you following you taunting you that he would one day surpass you. You had become accustomed to his constant presence around you as you went out shopping, you even won him in an eating contest. One where his highschool basketball team were highly surprised that someone of your stature could eat so much!

In all honesty kagami was impressed. He was genuinely happy that he had found someone like you. He accepts your little quirks, like when your voice would abnormally change to an octave higher, or when you would sometimes fangirl/boy about certain things on the tv, or animals. He found it... Cute... Wait... He can't think like that about one of his best friends! But you look so awesome playing basketball! He can't help it!

Kiseki no sedai x Reader (kuroko no basuke) open requests!Where stories live. Discover now