Aomine Daiki x Reader

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Aomine daiki x Reader

You were walking through the halls of touou with your best friend as she talked about her crush. She started pestering you about your crush. Though you persisted you didn't have one, she pressed on relentlessly.

"Come on! You have to have a crush! It's like in the girl code!!"

"The girl code doesn't even exist!" You snapped at her, her greed eyes showed sadness and hurt.

"Yes it does" she whispered slowly, looking at you with her now glassy eyes. You sighed deeply.

"Ugh fine I'll tell you who it is" You groaned an she instantly perked up smiling the sadness away.


"Aomine daiki, I knew it!" She shouted. You instantly clamped your hand over her mouth.

"Shhhhhhhhhh" you said looking around to see if anyone was listening. Thankfully not.

You walked to class slowly with your books in hand.
"You know there's a rumor going round that he reads certain magazines, that might feature a certain... I don't know ... You!" She whispered. You instantly sweat dropped. Yeah sure you were a model but it wasn't anything that bad!
"You don't know what your saying" you said as you sat down on your seat.
"Oh but I do" she taunted with a mischievous look.
Class carried on and you snuck glances to your crush who was looking as bored yet attractive than ever.

Lunchtime came and you decided to go to the roof to eat. You were abandoned by everyone els since they were with their club members but you didn't really fit in to any of them. You were good at basketball with skills that would be equal to or even more that of aomine, but you were too shy to go to practice since he would most likely be there. Momoi had persisted that you join but you left it to a maybe since you were new to this school even though it was the middle of the school year.

You got to the roof and sat down on one of the benches. You saw a cat and you stroked it, putting your bento aside. The cat ran away slightly but turned with a glint of amusement in it's eyes. You looked to see if anyone was there and then you went down on all fours to play with the cat. You both circled as if ready to pounce any second.

"Who are you?" You heard a deep voice. You looked up and your (e/c) met stormy blue... His tanned skin glowing in the sun.

You shot up and patted down your uniform.
"Eh sorry I'll be going" you flew passed him in record time and instead of using the ladder you jumped.
"Hey, be care- oh your ok" he seemed confused as you landed elegantly and got up to left.
"Hey girl. Come back" you heard him but you hurried off to save the embarrassment.

You were at your locker thinking about how weird you are, you felt really stupid for being weird infront of your crush. Come on! Who jumps off a damn building? Annoyed, you slammed your locker and turned around only to head but someone's chest and gosh they smelt good you felt all your worries melted away. As you pushed away and saw who it was they returned, intensified 10 fold.
"Oh.. ah, gomen" you stepped back and bowed slightly so he couldn't see your blush.
"You left this on the roof" he handed you your bento.
"It's ok...?" he stated.
"(L/N), (F,N)" you said. You looked to him and he had a confused face as he whispered your name thinking about something.

It sounded so good coming from him, your mind was being pervy again..
"What's wrong?" You asked trying to pry the the thoughts from your head.
"Have I seen you before?" He asked narrowing his eyes at you. You flushed red remembering what your friend had said that morning.
"Ah, no, it's probably momoi, she wanted me to play with you, she probably told you I was better than you, ha... Ha" you awkwardly chuckled.
He also started chuckling.
"Oh so your that (L,N) she keeps going on about? I thought it was a boy" he saw your unimpressed expression and he stopped laughing.
"Not that ther- I didn't- I..." He nervously scratched the back of his head. "So you want to play against me? One on one?" He asked now eager.
"I thought you only played against boys" you folded your arms across your chest and he looked down growing wide eyed and you instantly let them fall to your side again.... Ew...momoi had said he was a bit pervy, scratch that he was now very pervy...
"No, I mean, if your as good as momoi says then you can play against me" he tried to reason. The the GoM's ace he was really bad at talking to girls...
"And if you lose?" You asked smugly looking up to his navy eyes that made you melt.
"I'll be your servant" he said in a tone that said he wasn't going to lose, "and if you lose-"
"Please, you don't need to worry about that" you said giving a cocky grin which he mirrored.
"Fine, meet me at the gym after school" he said as he winked at you then walked off.
You sat and opened your bento, and ate with a goofy smile on your face that your peers would tease you about soon.

~~le time skip~~

You walked into the gym in your black shorts and a tight [f/c] vest top, you had a [f/c] jacket on top, it was quite big since it felt comfortable like that. You walked in to the gym and to your surprise there was allready an audience set up with aomine talking in a cocky manner to his team who were sat on the first row spectating. As soon as the doors slammed open the gym fell silent and all heads turned to you.
"Woah I didn't know you were playing against a girl!"
"She's hot"
"I feel sorry for her, she is going to get crushed"
"Why is a pretty girl like that playing with him?"
"Surely she is going to lose"
Stuff like that was heard as you walked to aomine as his eyes were scanning your body with a smirk making you feel uncomfortable.

You clicked your fingers at him to get his attention, he kept his annoying grin as he looked lazily into your eyes.
"I thought it was just going to be me and you here?" You asked looking to the gossiping spectators.
"Please, if they left me alone we would be playing a whole other game right now" he said rather loudly as he winked at you raising 'oahs' and 'whoops' from the audience. You shot a glare to them and they shut up. You stepped closer and tip toed up to his eye level.
"Let's just see if you can keep up with this game first" you said smirking at yourself.

"(NAME)" you heard someone screech, you turned around to be engulfed in a hug from a pink-ette.
"Momoi, please your hurting me" you said struggling to breathe slightly.
"Oh, gomen, gomen" she bowed slightly and smiled. "You finally decided to play huh?" She said.
"Well, this oaf challenged me" you gestured to the now provoked aomine earning a low growl making your skin crawl.
"Well good luck" she pecked you on the cheek like she allways did.

She was also your child hood friend but you moved away soon after you had established a fake sisterhood with her.

"I'm going to win" you said turning to see aomine, he just looked down at you angrily.
"We'll see about that" the game started with a whistle and we were off.

We earned a lot of oohs and aaahs from the spectators as we went against each other. It seemed like the clash of the ages, you decided to let aomine score a few. Though you were putting up a good, infact amazing defence you let yourself slip just the slightest, and then feigned shock as he went past you to score. You smirked to youself knowing what was coming next and you got the ball and made a viriety of amazing dunks, and awsome formless shots. Aomine smirked as you saw he was working up quite a sweat and you were just feeling slightly flushed.

The game would last 20 mins, you had 1 min left and you were allready ahead by a lot. This surprised a lot of the spectators aswell as aomine himself. You laughed inwardly as you thought about what momoi had allways said about him. He was so intent that he was the only one who could beat him and here you were showing him who's boss. He got in a couple of shots, catching upto you as the whistle sounded signalling time was up.

You were ahead of him by 7 points it was a close match but you were still holding back. You could crush the guy! Momoi came rushing to you and engulfed you in a chest tightening hug.
"I knew you could do it!"
"Sat-su-ki" you choked out unable to breath. She released you.
"Gomen!" She bowed again with an apologetic look on her face.
"Heh, who knew you would play so well" aomine smirked at you despite his loss
"Huh! You mean better than you!" His smirk faltered and he turned around.
"It was better when you used to admire me from afar" he muttered scratching the back of his head before hitting the changing rooms.

You blushed a bit as satsuki gave you a knowing look.
"What!?" You shouted slightly.
"He likes you too" and with that she walked off leaving you a blushing mess.

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