Kise x Reader x Aomine

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University time~

Kise x reader x aomine-

{A/N- Warning- kissing and stuff}

Kise found himself in a bit of a pickle, he was in love with someone who didn't exactly want him, which is odd since everyone wanted him. Even in uni, his modelling gigs had spiked, increasing his popularity significantly.

He sighed heavily as he rose from his slumber. He looked to the other side of the bed where a (h/c) haired figure lay. He stared in admiration as he caressed your face pushing away the soft locks that framed your face.

Feeling the warmth at your cheeks you stirred in your sleep.

"Ohayo (name)-cchi. Are you feeling ok?" You nodded feeling a little sore down below.

"Thanks for umm.. Last night, I really needed it." he said. You nodded a blush creeping onto your face at the memories of the activities he was referring to.

"It's ok, everyone gets stressed when it comes to finals" you said getting up and covering yourself up with the sheets.

Kise watched as you looked around the room for your clothes. He looked embarrassed when you picked up your (f/c) bra, it was in pieces.

"I er got carried away?" You gave a short chuckle.

"Can I at least borrow a shirt?" He nodded and got one out for you. It was one of his old Basketball shirts. You didn't take your hand out to take it.

"No I can't take that, it is special to you!" He chuckled. 'Your even more special~' he thought

"Relax, just return it later" inside his head he wanted you to come to him for once, instead of him chasing you all the time.

Reluctantly you took it and then threw it over yourself.

"Thanks, I'll be off" you quickly slid your way to the door and left kise stuttering as to what he could say to possibly make you stay. He loved you so much he just couldn't function properly when you were around. Normally he didn't have to try for the attention if the opposite gender but now you came into his life, wanting nothing to do but focus on your studies.

He didn't like the fact that aomine, your best guy friend would get more attention from you than him. Well you couldn't help that, you had made a promise to momoi that you would make sure that aomine completes his studies with flying colours. You were the only one who could do that really, with promises of getting personalised pictures of the models aomine loved oh so much. How? Well that was a secret for now.

~time skip~

Kise watched from a couple of tables across as you explained the laws of quantum physics to aomine. Locking eyes with aomine, the close proximity making you blush and kise clenched his fists at his sides. It should be him sat with you, making you blush.

Aomine noticed the pained expression of the blond and leaned in to your ear.

"You look really cute when you blush" that only increased the blush as aomine leaned back on his seat with a satisfied smirk.

You really did not feel that way about aomine and you had made that clear to him, thing is though, he would hit on you relentlessly. Though be it for a joke half the time by complimenting your breasts. Aomine was nothing more than a best friend to you. Much to his dismay. He knew that you had a certain liking for the blond now that you were his 'stress reliever'. He would say things that were very intimate and heart felt though you insisted in it being a strictly professional relationship, it just wasn't possible. Not with your careers.

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