Akashi Seijuro x Reader

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[A/N~ for NurinAzharAlya, sorry it's a bit short!! ^~^]

Akashi x reader

You waved the your neighbours goodbye as you turned to the pink princess and the knight all dressed in costume. You would be looking after their kids for the day since they had business to attend to.
"Wow! Neechan I can't believe it!!" They both tackled you with hugs.
"Come on, let's go play outside!" You encouraged and they agreed.

You played princesses and knights with them until you heard a loud banging around the front of the house. The haruki looked to you with fear where as Kai just raised his mask to reveal a look of concern.
"Who is that?" The banging sounded again and haruki flinched. You had a stern expression. Kai offered his mask to you which you gladly took, you also got the fake sword he was using. Though as you turned the corner you ditched it for a metal bar.

You jumped out the bushes and then to the red head. You froze mid air and gaped as he gave you a look of surprise. You fell on your but and then he offered a hand, you took it and he pulled you up only to be locked in his arms.
"You should never let your guard down" his warm breath tickled your ear sending shivers down your spine.

You then heard a battle cry and then Kai came out ready to attack.
"Oneechan has been captured.!" Haruki exclaimed practically losing her mind. Akashi dodged all the attacks brought forth by the little 8 year old boy. You were released from his grip and held a 'sword' to his neck.
"State your business Emperor" you said in a fierce voice. Haruki gaped at the title you gave him as Akashi smirked.
"I'm in search of a beautiful maiden who roams these lands" his charming voice sounded out, melting you slightly. This time it was Kai who answered.
"There are no maidens but princess haruki of the fluffy kingdom" he chuckled as Kai said it in a serious tone, Akashi raised his brows in amusement.
"Oh I think you have me mistaken. I am in search of the lost warrior princess" he looked to you with a smirk.

You took off your mask revealing your [h/c] hair. You swished it around dramatically.
"State your business"
"I wish for the lost princess to attend a ball at the red palace" he said. Haruki was fangirling ...
"A ball! Oneechan is invited to a ball! Just like a princess" she jumped up and down yanking your arm out of your socket slightly.

You smiled to Akashi and then nodded.
"I shall be your brave knight, fighting of any ruffians or dragons that pass our way" Kai said demonstrating some of his moves with a fake sword.
"Oh but your alliance is solely to the princes of the fluffy kingdom, is it not?" Akashi said playing along with their game.

Kai had a troubled expression.
"Whatever, I just want to slay some dragons!" He cheered dragging the princess who had stars in her eyes.
"It seems I have yet another admirer" you rolled your eyes at him.
"Pfft, yeah right, she's just in love with you because I said your an emperor"

He had an unsettling smirk. You became stiff for a second before he had you pinned to the side of the house.
"Maybe that's why your in love with me~" he said in his dreamy voice. His heterochromatic eyes staring into your [e/c] orbs.

You felt the heat rushing to your face as his face inched nearer and nearer.
"M-mayb-be" you stuttered making him chuckle. You felt his chest rumble at the deep sound.
"Oh you do" he whispered, then closing the gap between your lips. The kiss sent waves of warmth through your body as he kept it slow and sensual.

He pulled away with a soft expression resting his forehead on yours.
"You look like a tomato now" he said and you pushed him away slightly and turned around, covering your face.
"It's your fault!" Bakashi! You added in your head. He simply chuckled again and hugged you froze behind.
"I would really like for you to stop cursing me" your eyes went wide.
"Stop reading my mind!" He seemed taken back but kept his smirk on.
"I wasn't reading minds, I just guessed and you have me the answer" you furrowed your eyebrows at him and then stuck out your tongue.

He was about to say something els when you heard Kai's battle cry and then crashing of the dragon piniata you had hidden in the garden. You rushed over and they had the piniata open and were already stuffing their faces. You picked up a piece and decided to throw it at the Akashi who had just flipped his phone out.

He caught it without looking and you were left gaping at the coolness of it all. You took a moment to take in how he looked in the setting sun. The soft yellow glow highlighting his chiseled features, his red hair looking as if it was made out of fire. A scary thing yet to you it meant nothing but warmth and love. He had a soft smile playing his lips that would show only on rare occasions, it lighted his eyes up in ways you chat explain. He truly looked like the perfect emperor from a fantasy story, forget all the other princes and kings, they were nothing compared to your emperor.

"Wow Oneechan no need to drool!" Kai shouted and you turned red looking away from the rest of them as you wiped your face to find nothing! You heard choruses of laughter and you set out punishment for less tv time for the kids.

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