A great scene

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Mike Shinoda x Male Reader


smut I forgot to put the warning in the other story his special birthday gift

also, I dressed the stuff bear that my bf gave me in a dress suit, I'm put pins on him and he will be emo and his name is Evan bc why not, not because of skitz kraven nor evan peters

Readers POV

I'm on set of Supernatural, I'm sitting in my chair as I read the script. Two dudes climb into the chair beside me "Hey (name)" I heard Jensen say to me "hey" I mumbled as I tried to think of the scene.

"You want to practice with us?" Mike asked as I looked up and saw how he bit his lips with a small blush on his face. Jensen agreed with him "yes, that's a great idea" he said as he couldn't see his partner falling in love.

We head to the break room and grab some food before going to the practice room "what scene you guys want to do?" Jensen asked us as grabbed his script.

"Scene 6" me and Mike says at the same time "cool" he said before getting into our imaginary scene "Then get in the car and-" I forgot my line as I stood in front of Jensen, I looked at his lips and then at him.

Jensen giggled "Then get in the car and take her home is the line" he said as I looked at Mike whose face got mad about something "oh I'm dumb" I laughed with him.

"Okay, back to the scene" Mike faked chuckle as he said that I could tell he was pissed, but by what? I ignored the thought and decided to continue with the scene.

"Jensen, Mike, and (name)" I heard on the intercom as we got to scene 8 "good acting" Jensen said to me as we walked out of the room to the director, he sat in his chair before seeing us.

He smiled "great, you're here!" he said as he started to get us prepared for our scene "What scene are we doing?" I asked as I walked up to the director "scene 6 to 9" he said as I nodded my head.

I head back to dressing to see Jensen without a shirt "hot" I teased before grabbing a rubber band off the dresser and hit him in the chest "ouch, I'm sensitive" he said as he covered himself.

"Sad" I pouted before seeing Mike become more pissed "Mike, can I talk to you later?" I say as I approach him "ok" he said with a little attitude, I got mad about that, but I decided to ignore it.

We go out of the dressing room and walk to the set where everything was set. I listen to the director's instructions before looking over to see a mad Mike looking at me.

I did something. I had to apologize about something I didn't know I did "okay, let's get ready" I clear the thoughts and started the scene.

It was around 7pm when we stopped, I grabbed my stuff and thought out an apology while trying to find out what I did. I was about to walk out of my private room before seeing Jensen in front of the door.

"Hey" I said as I couldn't stop thinking about Mike "hi, I thought we can catch a movie tonight" he said "(name)" I heard behind him, Mike was behind him "yes?" I replied as I saw angry, betray, and jealousy on his face.

He faked smiled "I was wondering if you could come over and help me with" he had to think about it "the pipes in my kitchen" he smiled at me "oh sure" I said, "I would go to the movies with you tomorrow" I told Jensen "Cool" he replied.

I exit my room and follow Mike, once we got outside, I started to talk to him "I'm sorry for whatever I did" I told him "Get in the car" he said making me scared.

"Backseat" he said as I got close to the car, I open the back door and got in. I was about to close it, but he got in.

His face was close to me, I thought I would die at that moment. His lips landed on top of mine, I gasped silently before I started to kiss back. We sit there in the car making out before we get off of each other.

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