A bet

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Joe Kerry x male reader x Finn Wolfhard


i couldn't choose who to do bc i was like i don't know the show nor actors so im just combine them

I plan on watching stanger things after i watch most of the things in my netflix watch list but idk when that's going to happen

not me just starting this on Tuesday afternoon and said im have this done by Wednesday night

angst type shit with some fluff

Reader pov

I walked out of my room after getting changed into my scene outfit to see Joe and Finn talking to the director "hey" I greeted them making them both smile at the same time. They mumbled their greetings before we listen to the director talk about specifically me and Joe scene that did involve a little bit of Finn.

Finn/Joe POV

I swear the way (name)'s face is when he is concentrated is absolutely adorable. To see his determination all over his face and to see the way his teeth bite his lower lips like it's grasp every word said. I look across from (name) and Joe/Finn is staring directly at me after looking at him.

I wonder why he is looking at him, he better not like (name). I decided it was best to leave it alone and pay attention, but it did tick me off. I need to care less about it.

Finn POV (not me about to make up a scene for drama)

After what feels like forever, we were finally able to film. I proceeded to the diner area for my scene before I realized I don't know anything, but my lines. I decided that it was going to be okay even if I messed up or not. I sit back and watch as Joe stood near the ice cream machine and (name) was at the counter playing with his costume tie

"Action" he continued to play with his tie until Joe came up to me, I mumbled my thank you line and picked up the spoon in my bowl before slowly eating it. (name) and Joe acted out their scene as I pretend not to notice their actions before I saw Joe pull (name) into a kiss,

He backs away before looking at him making me look away "hope that makes up your mind" he takes off his plastic gloves and leaves "wait-" (name) says before Joe leaves and the scene ends. I swallow my sadness down my throat until it turned into anger at everything.

I quickly walk off the scene as director declared that it was time to do a different scene without us and let us go on lunch break. I immediately go to my dressing room and take off my clothes and put my normal clothes on. My phone vibrated making me pick it up and look at the notification.

It's from (name), my heart flutters and I instantly look at the text. He was concerned "hey, you left so quick, are you okay?" he asks, I smile before turning back into my angry state "yes, my stomach hurts" I lied before I saw the bubbles pop up to show that he was texting back "do you need me to get you something?" he asked making me smile again.

"No, thank you" I said before I wanted to add beautiful, but I knew it was over the line. I sent the text without the nickname and turned off my phone. I sighed before feeling like his concern was his way of saying he loved me "it had to be" I mumbled before getting up and finding a notepad and pencil.

I wrote out a note for (name) to read and it contained how much I loved him and asked him on a date. I smiled at the note and the imaginary date that we will have. I walk out of my room on a mission to his room before stopping as I saw Joe walk down the same hallway in the same direction with a note in his hand. 

He stops outside of his door and smile at me "where are you going?" he asked as he waited for me to continue. I cocked my head to the side before going up to (name)'s door "I should be asking the same thing" I said as I tried to gain confidence to face him. 

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