My chemical romance Mikey

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Mikey x Reader
It's March the 22nd emo and I don't know how to celebrate

Reader POV

"Hey, guys" I said as I walked into the room of Gerard's to find the boys arguing "oh, hey (name) " Gerard said, he kissed my cheek making me blush "so, what's up? " I questioned.

"N-n-nothing" Mikey Stuttered, clearly mad at something "oh, Mikes what's wrong? " I said as I tilt his head up at me "stop! " He exclaim as he blushed furiously.

"Bastard" I mumbled before we play truth or dare "bitch, truth or dare" I said to Frank "dare, I ain't no hoe" He replied before Gerard shush us "my mom may hear and she don't like us cursing" He said.

I like Mrs. Way because she makes the best brownies and cookies "okay, whore" I replied making him shake his head "kiss Gerard" I said making Frank jump onto Gerard "damn, I said kiss not kill" Frank got up with a smile while Gerard blushed.

"Truth or dare, Mikey" Frank said "truth" He replied "are you I'm love with someone in here? " Frank said as I got jealous 'why am I jealous? , he's a friend no biggie' I thought before we went to eat.

I sat with Mikey and Gerard sat with Frank, Ray left to go to sleep but I didn't care "hey Mikey, you good? " I asked, seeing the younger brother eating the sleeve of my sweater that was too big on him.

"Yes" He said before we eat, I kept my eye on him the whole time only see him picking with his food or looking out into space "yo, Mike you got to eat" I told him making him blush.

"I'm not Mike! " He exclaimed, He was mad because of the nicknames we gave him "oh come on Mikey" I said tilting his head up and leaning into him, our lips inches away.

Mikey was blushing hard before I connected our lips together, I back off of him not feeling him kiss back "um... " I walk outside before lighting a cigarette "hey-" "Shit! " I yelled as I realized Mikey behind me.

"Oh" I said before he held out my jacket "you left this, I thought you would get cold" He explained as I look at his appearance "nah, little bit wear it" I said as I looked at his shaking appearance.

"Oh" He put it on making me smile "I love you" We both said
at the same time before kissing again.

The end

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