Skitz or Evan

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Skitz Kraven x reader

ree because I don't have no date for the dance at my school but either way I wasn't going

Reader POV

Evan been going out more than often but then again he's a psychopathic person so he could be doing something for his 'job' I'm worried more than usual tonight I'm going to follow him.

I pretend like I'm sleeping before Skitz leave "love you baby" he whispers in my ear before getting up and leaving, I grab a knife and a black outfit before leaving "shit" Skitz said as I sneaked past him into the backseat of the running car.

He gets in after a few minutes and then drives off, I stay low and cover my breath as nothing is heard through the car "I need you guys at the club" I heard Skitz say as we stop "yeah in 5 don't be late" he growled before slamming the door.

I stay low before getting into the gym bag "of course how can I forget" I heard before being picked up "it's a little heavier than yesterday" was mumbled before hearing cars in the surrounding, I was dropped onto the ground making me whimper.

I heard footsteps before a gun clicked, the bag open and a bright light blinded me "what the hell, (name)" Skitz growled pulling me out of the bag, I get scarred and looked down "why are you here?" he growled making me look in his eyes.

I started crying because of how I very sensitive and hating when he's mad at me "I-I w-want-ted to-o se-e w-w-her-re y-o-ou g-o-o" I stuttered as I wiped tears from my eyes "stop crying now dress in this" he said throwing a oversized sweater and skirt.

I put it on not wanting to make him more mad, I looked in the mirror before seeing Skitz come behind me "beautiful, it wouldn't have to go like this if you would've stayed at home" he kissed my neck and made sure a bite stood out where I couldn't hide it, I looked around to see we was in a basement.

Skitz trailed a knife on my neck making sure it cut my neck but not kill me, I whimpered before hearing footsteps come down "come on" he said leading me to a chair in at the foot of the table, I sit in his lap as his right arm around my waist.

I hold onto his neck making sure he's satisfied "gentlemen, sit" he said as I looked at the men who sat at the table "this is my boyfriend if he needs something from me we'll stop the game and you'll wait for me in peace and quiet" he said before whispering in my ear.

"Tell me if you need anything Babyboy and you will get it" they start playing card games before I get tired and fall asleep on Skitz "night baby".

(few hours later)

I woke up to gunshots as I was on a couch, I covered my head before they stopped "shit, (name)" I heard as Skitz or Evan picked me up, He carried me to the car before putting me in the front seat "Babe" I said try to get his attention "Skitz" I tried again only making him twitch "Evan" I said.

He stopped the car before putting his hand around my neck and a gun at my head "Say another word and you will be shot" he threatened me before I felt tears streaming down my eyes, Skitz started driving as I cried silently next to him.

Once, we get home I run inside before Skitz call after me "baby, I'm sorry" he said to me as I laid on the couch tears going down my face "baby please say something" he said as he looked at me "choose" I said making him confused.

"Choose who you're going to be... Skitz or Evan?" I asked making him look down "if I be Skitz then I don't want to live without you on my side as mine" He confessed dropping the guns, I looked at him before he said something "if I stop my job as a Mob boss then we'll be under great danger" he said.

I look down thinking it's my fault "I can't bring you on a joyride every night, I'll bring you when I think you won't die but I risk my life every night just for you and I can't think about you dying and me surviving" he explain before kissing my head.

"so, I won't bring Skitz home every night, he'll stay on the streets where he belongs" Evan kissed my head and laid down next to me "thank you" I said before drifting off to sleep.

The end

I'm trying to think of fanfics but noting coming to mind so don't expect something in about a week. And don't get sick stay yo ass in doors okay there bye

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