The Hufflepuff is mine part 3

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Draco x reader x harry
TBH I don't know what the fuck is going down when I start writing
Reader POV

Okay, I'm wearing a pink Xxx tentacion shirt and some black pants with Converse before going to where who ever I'm meeting up at.

I sit down before seeing Harry walk in "so, you got the letter? " He said before sitting with me "yeah" I faked a smile, I thought that was Draco "so, how are you? " He asked putting his hand on mine "good" I said as I slowly looked out the window.

"So, if I'm not mistaken you and Draco is officially a thing? " He asked before I turned to look at him "yeah" I look at the ground, do I have feelings for Potter or is this a lie "so, if he catch me with you he will be pissed? " Harry said before I looked to see Draco pass by.

Draco looks inside for a second before catching my eyes "(name)? " Harry grabbed my attention "I got to go" I rush out before being grabbed by Draco.

"Draco, I can explain" I told him before he dragged me out of sight and hearing "why the fuck was with Harry? " He growled "because he sent me a letter and then I thought it was you" I said before he lips was at my ears "if I found you near Potter or even have his name in your mouth without my permission you are done" He growled before taking my hand and dragging me to the Hufflepuff common room.

He forced me to open the door before I led him to my room, he pushed me on my bed before pinning me to my bed "you lucky I don't fuck you right here and now" He grows in my ear before my roommate enters.

Draco fix his appearance and left before my roommate notice him "you good, (name)? " They asked "yeah" I said holding tears back.

(Next day)

I walk into the Great Hall, Draco looked at me making me uncomfortable as he glares me down "hey, (name) " My friends greeted me before we just talked about how bored we was "(last name)" Was called before I looked to see Draco "meet me in the bathroom" He said, our usual meet up.

I turned back before feeling the pressure of eyes on me "(name), you okay? " My friends asked before I told them I was good.

I wave my friends goodbye before I rush to the bathroom, Draco was standing there with his back to me "I been waiting" He said before pushing me up on the wall "you haven't been off with that little half blood have you? " He asked as his hand was running down my spine making me shiver.

"No" I answer before he nibbled on my ear "that's the answer I want" He started to try and undress me before I stopped him "Draco please" I begged him until he pushed me to the ground "you do what I want you have to pay for everything I gave you and lose from you! " Draco exclaimed before Harry entered.

"Help me" I mouthed before Draco looked in the mirror and saw who is was looking at "offendo" "Flipendo" both the boys fell back before more spells "stop! " I exclaimed before they looked at me.

I couldn't see through my blurred vision but I was looking at them and I swear violence was my breaking point "what's wrong, love? " Draco said as he glared Harry off "I can't stand how you guys fight over me, show me love the next day and then hatred the next, I love both of you" I said as I held onto myself.

I pushed Draco away before he could hug me, I run out before running to my dorm.

Harry POV

"This is all your fault" Draco says before I glared at him "what? " "It's your fault" He repeats "he just ran out because of us! " I explained before Draco turned away "we need to find him" He says before we walk out and look around "but we both like him, Draco what do we do? " I say before Draco looks me straight in the eyes.

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